another khonshu fanfic!

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This was also requested by Yams096 hope you enjoy it!

They just said they want more khonshu, so I give more khonshu!

Also I'm alive!

Summary: you were walking home at night until you heard a very strange voice...and a strange god..

Characters: you and khonshu


You were walking home after a horrible day at work making you feel like shit. You look above you seeing the countless stars admirering each one making you smiling a little.

"Wonderful that I can make someone like you smile" you heard a deep voice. You looked around you not able to see anyone around you, you thought you were imagining things thinking that it was just your imagination playing tricks on you.

"How rude not even going to say hello?" The voice spoke once more, you looked around yourself and you finally spoke "hello?" You spoke in confusion and curiousity making the voice laugh.

"How adorable but yet pathetic, your confused aren't you human?" The voice let out a loud laugh. "Behind you" he said, you turned around feeling fear and anxiety until you finally saw him.

A tall dead bird was right behind you "w-wha" you blurted out. He laughed once more "who are you?!" You asked in fear. He sighs "don't be so loud, I'm khonshu the god of the moon!" He practically shouted with ausuthiam he spoke once more "and don't introduce yourself I already know who you are" he said sending shivers down your spine.

"H-how do you know who I am?" You managed to speak, the fear was rising in your chest "I've been following you for days,weeks, months I can't help myself to be intrigued by you" your eyes widen in shock and fear combined.

"Well please..leave me alone" you tried moving but you couldn't, you were frozen in place "I don't think so little one" you were about to scream for help hoping that someone could hear you. Until he placed his cold hand over your mouth "I don't plan on leaving you alone..ever"


Counted words: 343

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