Jake + Steven pt2

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Ah yes it took me awhile to think of an idea of this so ye.

(Also I can't put the person who requested this cuz it wouldn't let me so I'll put it in the comments, sorry)

I do recommend reading the first part first before reading this.

Summary: Steven asked on a date and you accepted it after the date Jake kidnapped you. When you were kidnapped you started to panic so did Steven so Jake had to calm down you and Steven.

Characters: Jake lockley, Steven grant and you.


You were back at the museum talking to Steven hearing him ramble on about the Egyptian gods. "hey (name)?" Steven called out .

"Mh? What up Steven?" You asked. You looked at him in confusion "well, would you like to go...out on a date?" He muttered looking down at his feet trying to hide his embarrassment.

It failed you could see that he was embarrassed but you couldn't pass the offer though. "Oh I would love to Steven" you accepted his date offer, you smiled softly at him.

Steven looked up with confidence and relief. Meanwhile Jake was watching from afar, Jake stared at Steven in anger knowing that Steven knew the plan and he didn't followed.

You and Steven said your goodbyes telling Steven to pick you up at half 8. Steven walked towards Jake "what the hell was that you maldito idiota!?" He told him.

"Well I wanted to go on a date though, I'm not like you I wanted to enjoy my time with them" Steven snarled at him. Jake sighed "fine enjoy your time, I'll kidnap them after your little date then" Jake started to walk away and started to plan the kidnapping.

Steven smiled to himself knowing that he's going to enjoy himself more than Jake will. After hours later right after your date with Steven, which was really nice you talked about things, seen the stars and had a lovely meal.

You were outside your apartment about to head in. "Thanks for the lovely time Steven" you thanked him "no problem, well night love" he started to walk away until you grabbed his hand "wait Steven " you stopped him.

You kissed his cheek "good night" you opened your door and went back in "n-night" Steven said in surprised with his cheeks getting red. Jake was waiting in the janitor room and came out seeing the whole thing "had fun?" He asked with jealousy in his voice.

"Yea I did, did you have fun in the janitor room?" He asked him with more confidence then ever "your getting a bit cocky there Steven, watch yourself" he began to pick lock the door.

After a couple of hours, Jake had finally kidnapped you. You woke up chained to the wall "what..what the hell" you muttered, you started to pull on the chain "help! Someone help!" You called for help.

Jake rushed in the room to see what was the problem "it's ok sweets I'm here" Jake tried to calm you down but it didn't work "wha.. who are you! Where am I!" You shouted you started to panic more.

"Sweets , calm down Steven in the next room he's doing something first then he'll-" Jake was cut off while Steven walked in the room "Steven? Why am I here!" You shouted once more.

"Calm down love, your safe" you started to freak out, like freak freak out. Jake put his hand on your face covering your mouth "shut up, were not going to hurt you, we trying to calm you down so stop shouting and calm down" Jake demanded.

You nodded your head with tears in your eyes. "Im sorry" you muttered he removed his hand "Jake! I'm so sorry love" Steven apologized .

"But hes right, were not trying to hurt but for now on"

"Your ours"

I don't hate this but I don't love this fanfic I have done better.

Counted words: 660

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