Marc Spector

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Summary: you had a bad day at work but it gets even worse when you got home

Characters: you and Marc Spector

You got home after a hard day of work, you hated your job so much. Your boss was a dick to you, your co workers didn't care about anything, the customers were rude to you and your work always end at 6am - 10pm.

You opened with a slam. You entered the room letting out a big sigh "I'm so tired.." you grumbled you looked in the distance to see your bedroom light was didn't leave your bedroom light on when you left.

Mabye you were tired and forgot to turn it off. You thought about it, you got out your phone just in case you have to call the police.

You creeped around finally reaching your room. You saw a man in a white suit, he was looking through your clothes packing them in a bag.

"who the hell are you!" You called out. He turned around quickly he didn't say anything he just stood there "I'm.. I'm calling the police " you typed 999 (or 911 if you're American).

You were about to ring it until the man threw something making your phone smash and it didn't respond. You made a run for it at the front door but the man already catched up to you already.

He had grabbed your arm pulling you into him and injected something into your neck with a needle "sorry baby" he apologized. He felt bad for what he was doing.

After acouple of hours you woke up in a studio apartment. You were confused about where you were, you tried leaving your bed but there was a chain connected to your ankle.

"Help! Someone help!" You called out. A man enter the room, he had dark circles under his eyes, curly hair "it's alright, your safe now" he sat on the bed .

He placed a hand on your face "your safe now (name)" you moved backwards making his hand away from you"how do you know my name?" You questioned.

"I know alot about you" he said . You stared at him in fear "my name Marc" he introduced himself "were you the man in the white suit?" You asked.

He nodded his head "what are you called when you wear the suit?" "Moon Knight" he said. You looked away trying to look at something else in the room.

You wanted to go home so badly "please just let me go, I wont even tell anyone that you Kidnapped me just please let me go" you begged. He nodded his head no "sorry sweets but I can't let you do that"

Counted words: 454

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