Steven Grant

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Summary: you've been lonely for a while but you would talk or go near them, so Steven got an idea.

This is just fluff btw

Characters: you, Steven grant, Marc Spector and your new cat

You were in your room with your legs at your chest and arms folded. Marc and Jake tried talking to you but you didn't talk to them.

Steven got an a idea. If you weren't going to talk to them he'll go get something else that you will talk to. He walked in your room "love" he called out "I'm going out somewhere, I won't be too long, k" he said.

You didn't respond. You didn't even look at him. After a couple of hours Steven came back with a gift.

"Heya luv! I'm back!" He called. He walked into your room, Steven was being careful with his gift for you.

"Honey I got you a gift" he said he sat down into your bed. He gives you a box with holes in it.

You grabbed the box opening it, you saw a small kitten with grey fur and white furr on its paws. You let out a small aww.

"Is it for me to keep?" You asked, he nodded and he smiled softly at you "does it have a name?" You question.
"No, you can name him love" you smiled and picked the cat up.

"(Name of your choice) yea, I like that name" you said. "That sounds wonderful " Steven stood up "I'll have to make dinner for us" he said leaving.

"Well done Steven" Marc told Steven in his head "yea" he muttered looking back at you playing with your new kitten

Counted words: 282

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