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yes khonshu counts as a moon Knight character.

Summary: you've been feeling like you have been watching but a person but you find out it's not a person, it's a god and he wants something.

Characters: you and khonshu

You've been feeling like someone has been watching your every move for the last couple of weeks. You felt uncomfortable and unease, you were currently on the top of your roof looking at the stars.

You smiled across your face. Looking at the stars always made your mood better, the only problem is the cold it's always cold whenever you go top of your roof.

You sighed still having the feeling of being watched. You were about to go back inside until you heard something "little one" you turned around to see nothing, you just brushed it off thinking that you were just tired.

You reached your apartment reaching into your pocket for the keys until the same thing happened once more "little one" you turned around but this time you searched the lobby. But like you did last time, nothing was there.

You opened the door. Your body felt cold and numb , you walked over to the kitchen making yourself a glass of water because you were thirsty but you felt a cold hand on your shoulder.

You jumped of the feel and turned around to yet again to see nothing "I'm going insane ain't I?" You muttered. You finally got your drink and quickly went to your bedroom.

You changed into your pajamas and went into your warm bed feeling the comfort that you needed. You were already drifting to sleep but when you blinked once, you saw a dead bird watching over you beside you.

You sat up finally seeing him. The person that's been watching you for weeks, a dead bird ,wearing bandages, holding a staff. "What the hell" you whispered in fear and shock.

"Hello little one" he greeted "how did you get here? W-who are you!?!" You questioned. All he could do was giggle at you "my name is khonshu the god of the moon" he could tell you were frightened by him.

"Do not worry little one , I am your protector " you squinted your eyes at him. "What do you mean by that" you asked "well, If your hurt I'll be there to protect you and get rid of the problem, if you're lonely I'll be there, I will never leave your side "

"What do you mean, get rid of the problem? What happens if it's a person?" He stood there quietly "well, I'll have to kill them don't I" he said you were taken back from what he said, kill? That's a bit extreme. 

"But...why protect me?" You asked. He didn't reply until a couple of moments "because I love you" you wanted to leave this situation so badly.

"But I don't, i-im sorry but god or not I don't love you" you said, he picked you up "you will, mabye not today but someday" you struggled to get out his grasp.

"Let me go please!" You begged. He didn't say anything for a moment until he did his voice cold and harsh "don't struggle, it will be done in a moment " done in the moment? What does that mean? Is he going to hurt you? Your thoughts raced across your mind .

"What do you mean!" You shouted. You head felt sore, your body becoming very weak. You felt dizzy "what's.. happening?" You asked "I'm putting you to sleep, sleep well my darling" and with that you fell asleep.

Counted words: 602

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