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    Master,whose name was still unknown wore his cloak while heading out,the minister of war followed suit along side his daughter irina who the master had asked to explain what she heard better....

Irina was on her way to the queens chamber when she heard lady Aqua and lady Aeris talking about something that picked her Interest...she hid her self so she could hear it all...not wanting to be caught...not knowing it was purposely set for her....

The two ladies where talking about the royal stones...talking about how they plan to seal it in the tower a little far from Haedong in 2 days protect it from all hands and elaborated on how if they seal the stones no one could ever lay his or her hand on it again unlike the last time....

Quickly....she left to her father,forgeting about the queen who she was supposed to go meet....

She explained what she heard to her father and he also didn't waste time to go tell dark magic's master...who requested for the child to come explain herself....

Irina again told them exactly what she heard....earning a smile from the master at her detailed explanation....

"The time has finally come"....Master said with a low chuckle....signaled for his right hand who came forward immediately....

"Send someone to the tower,we need to be sure they would indeed go seal it today"....he ordered to which his right hand left to carry out his order.....

Not long after the right hand left,one of the spies scattered around to monitor the royals came running...Informing the master that the royals left the palace and where heading south....south indeed was where the tower laid....

"Get our soldiers ready....they were trained for this day"....he let out calmly....while getting ready himself....

"What's the plan "....the minister of war asked...though he knew they were going to attack the royals to retrieve the stones...but he was sure they wont be leaving to attack like that....

"It simple....when they get to the tower,we  wait and watch until they open the door and let out the stones then we snatch it"....Master explained evily....

The minster was proud of the idea...he smiled at his daughter,who smiled back...happy they would get the powers to themselves soon.....


"i think they are here".....jungkook muttered a way only his family could hear....

"They would come out when they see the stones....stay guided"....the king ordered and they continued as planned....

Jimin,Yoongi,Ara,Hoseok,Lord Earth and Lady Aeris had gone to the place the king's spy had said to be their hideout.....

While,the king,Queen,Lord Aqua Lady Aqua,Lord Aeris,Jungkook and taehyung decided to be at the tower.....

They let out their inner energy in an attempt to open the door....the door was damn easy to open...all it needed was just the real inner power and quick it would but they needed to let the enemy see that they Indeed were trying to lock it for a way no one can access they didn't force it all out....

Ones they noticed it was convincing enough...they let their strong energy out and in an Instant the door got opened...

"Tae...stay with me"....jungkook said while facing the other who nodded in agreement....

Taehyung as usual was in his bright attire..he was putting on a white all through....little to no makeup adorned his face...looking extremely when does he never? was is first real fight ever and jungkook never wanted him to experience it at all....

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