35 My First Public Appearance

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This was my first public appearance as Prince Louis's girlfriend. The enthusiasm of the journalists was enough to ignite me. The way they looked at me made me feel like I was a Hollywood superstar standing on the red carpet at a press conference. "You look so beautiful today," Prince Louis tightened his grip on my hand and whispered in my ear, "Did you see the amazement in their eyes? Claire, you've exceeded everyone's expectations." Upon hearing his words, I was stunned. At that moment, I finally understood why Prince Louis had arranged for professionals to style me this morning. Perhaps in the eyes of the journalists, I was indeed a true "Cinderella" — breaking up with my almost-engaged boyfriend at a party, deceived by my family, and getting into a fight with my stepsister at the event. In such a sorry state, I had somehow managed to capture Prince Louis's attention. He publicly announced that I was his mate. Anyone who learned about this would consider me a lucky dog. They would undoubtedly dig up my past, describe my previous miserable life in media reports, and draw comparisons to my current situation. They would repeatedly emphasize Prince Louis's pivotal role in this transformation. They might even indulge in malicious speculations about me, suggesting that I was a gold digger or fabricating a series of scandalous rumors about my ex-boyfriends, insinuating that I had a promiscuous nature. Although being rumored was inevitable after becoming a public figure, I had never experienced dealing with the media before. Facing these defamatory attacks wouldn't be pleasant. This was why Prince Louis had meticulously groomed me, making me look like a true noble princess, as he supported me out of the car. He hoped that, in the eyes of the world, I was a fitting match for him. "Did you anticipate this situation beforehand?" I whispered softly. He didn't respond verbally, just gave me a faint smile and deftly dealt with the journalists' questions. According to the arrangement, Prince Louis would handle all the questions and answers. Maria and I would simply stand by with smiles, occasionally glancing at Chris to ensure he didn't run off. That was enough. However, the number of journalists at the scene was overwhelming today. Coupled with parents attending the school's activity day, the entire road was filled with parked cars. To avoid traffic congestion, Prince Louis selectively answered a few questions before having the security escort us into the school. Seeing all those journalists being kept outside the school gates, I finally completely relaxed. I covered my chest and turned to Louis, "It's so intimidating. Is this how you live every day?" "You did well, Claire," he praised me first, then smiled, "Only public events are like this. That's also why I don't like going out according to a schedule. These journalists can appear in any unexpected corner. I even suspect that they could cling to windows like Spider-Man and take photos even from a hundred stories high." I chuckled. But thinking back to the crowded scene earlier, I couldn't help but show a sympathetic expression. "It's so annoying," I sighed. We walked and talked, with Maria occasionally joining the conversation. Overall, the atmosphere was quite pleasant. This was also my first time at this kind of prestigious school. Due to the approaching start time of the event, the school was bustling with parents, children, and teachers walking around. The school's campus was extensive, almost the size of a university. All the classroom buildings were constructed around a crescent-shaped lake, and I even spotted swans on the lawn. The welcoming teacher stood at the entrance and flashed us a brilliant smile. "Welcome, let me briefly introduce today's activity schedule." She had clearly recognized Prince Louis's identity, but she didn't get overly excited about it. She used a gentle voice to introduce the school's history, various academic achievements, and the upcoming activity schedule as we walked. But as we got closer to the activity area, the teacher glanced quickly at Prince Louis and then cautiously asked, "Your Highness, according to the school's regulations, only two parents can participate in the activities with the children today. Others can sit in the audience seats. Which two parents are planning to participate in the competition?" "My mom and uncle Louis!" Before Prince Louis could answer, Chris eagerly responded. Prince Louis ruffled Chris's hair, glanced at me, and then said to the teacher, "Please take her to the audience seats, thank you." "Sure. Miss, please follow me." I hurriedly followed her. Along the way, I turned my head once and saw Chris tugging at Louis and Maria, running towards the sports field in anticipation. "Uncle, let's go, the event is about to start!" "Be careful, Chris!" Maria quickly shouted from behind. Chris stopped and turned around, grabbing her hand. I stood still, looking at their backs, and that bittersweet feeling washed over me again. They really looked like a family. Chris's appearance was strikingly similar to Prince Louis's, especially his eyes. No wonder I had heard rumors that Chris was actually his son. To be honest, after witnessing Louis's doting affection for Chris, I couldn't help but entertain a thought. Could it be that the rumor was actually true? "Miss?" The teacher in front stopped and looked at me with confusion. I quickly averted my gaze and answered, "I'm here." I was assigned a seat in the first row. Most of the people around me were parents of children, and I recognized several of them. I awkwardly smiled and nodded at them, feeling even more out of place here. I wasn't even married yet and didn't have any siblings, except for Cathy, but she wasn't close to me. So, considering all this, it was my first time attending an event like this as a parent. When my school held activity days, I was always alone. My father would never attend such "meaningless" events in his eyes. He would coldly reject me every time. Therefore, I no longer held any expectations of his presence. On the other hand, Olivia's parents would always cheer for the achievements I accomplished. They would stand and applaud for their daughter and her best friend, taking pictures of us willingly as if we were sisters. Thinking of those times, a faint smile naturally crept onto my lips. "Hello, are you Miss Gambino? Claire Gambino?" Just as I was lost in happy memories, a man's voice interrupted my thoughts.

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