13 You Can't Leave

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"Somebody is about to get a beating!"

Cathy deliberately said it loudly.

Joe tugged at her sleeve, his expression nervous as he glanced at me. But seeing him defend me, Cathy's anger only intensified. She escalated her mockery in front of our father, hoping to further fuel the conflict between us: "So, Claire, where did you spend the night yesterday?"

I stood still, not moving, and simply smirked as I retorted, "What's that got to do with you?"

"I'm just curious," Cathy raised her eyebrows provocatively, leaning against the wall with crossed arms, pretending to be concerned about me. Her gaze scrutinized the pearl-adorned white dress I was wearing. "After all, you're my sister. Besides, I remember this dress isn't yours, is it?"

She feigned surprise, covering her mouth with her hand, and asked, "Oh my, Claire, did you spend the night at some wealthy billionaire's place? How did you convince him to buy you such an expensive dress? ... Are you okay?"

Upon hearing her words, I thought I understood Cathy's intentions.

But it played right into my hands.

So, instead of denying her speculation, I responded cheerfully, "Yes, you're right. Prince Louis is indeed very, very rich. And he is exceptionally generous. We only met yesterday, yet he bought me this valuable dress. Let me think... It seems like it even graced the cover of a fashion magazine."

I paused for a moment, deliberately adjusting the swaying pearls on the dress in front of Cathy, and then smiled at her. "Are you envious, Cathy? After all, you have to ask daddy for money to buy a dress. And your new boyfriend doesn't have the money to spend on you. Because when he used to spend his ex-girlfriend's money."

Cathy's face instantly contorted.

She stared fixedly at the dress on me. It's the same twisted expression she had when she saw me trying on the dresses in the high-end boutique.

"You," she gasped for breath, feeling like she was about to suffocate in the next moment, "a woman like you, how could you possibly attract the attention of Prince Louis? You must have used some despicable means—yes, that must be it! His Highness even specifically asked me about the brand of perfume we use. You must have used that particular scent to seduce him!"

"Come on, Cathy," I chuckled coldly, "are you some three-year-old child? You actually believe in magical perfumes? Instead of continuing to deny it, I think it's better for you to accept reality. Prince Louis—" I deliberately emphasized those words, "his driver is still waiting for me at the door."

After saying that, I dragged the suitcase to the doorway.

"Get out of my way," I clenched the handle of the suitcase, and with each word, I sternly addressed the people blocking the door.

Whether it was due to shock or my intense gaze, Cathy actually took a step back, her back colliding with Joe's body.

But she quickly reacted and shouted loudly at me, "You're lying!"

My stepmother grabbed Cathy and my father, rushing to the window on the second floor. Then she looked at the familiar black Bentley parked on the street, taking a sharp breath.

"What she said is true, Paul," she turned back to my father, her voice trembling, "but how is this possible?"

My father also looked at me with disbelief, as if it were the first day he met his daughter.

I carried the suitcase and confidently descended the stairs without looking back. The exhilarating feeling of revenge made my wolf emit a joyful low growl.

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