29 Run!

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"Olivia Lucchese!" Lucy growled, her eyes flashing with hostility. Olivia replied lazily, "What's with the shouting? You don't have to be that loud for me to hear you. I'm not deaf, you know." I must admit, when it came to getting under people's skin, Olivia undoubtedly inherited some exceptional talent. I tried my best to suppress my laughter as I watched Olivia take a step forward, lowering her voice while threatening, "Whatever you're planning, we're up for it. But let me give you a friendly reminder—the professor over there is watching." Olivia had a natural flair for the mafia. I couldn't help but think. She was standing too close, practically sticking her nose to Lucy's. Lucy was taken aback by Olivia's audacious move and instinctively took two steps back. After a moment, she finally realized how embarrassing her actions were in front of the others. Fuming, she glared at the fearless Olivia and then turned her attention to me, giving me a ferocious look. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the professor had seemingly noticed us and was turning her head towards us. So, I responded with an innocent look, "Is there something else, dear Lucy?" "......" "We'll wait and see!" After a few seconds of silence, Lucy suddenly pushed aside the people around her and stormed off in anger. The other girls quickly followed her, dispersing. As soon as she left, I immediately sneezed twice. That fragrance irritated my nose. "It's so inexplicable," I rubbed my nose, feeling annoyed. "Why does she have a grudge against me? I don't even know her." "She's just like Cathy, always eyeing other people's boyfriends," Olivia grumbled. "Since we started college, she's snatched several boyfriends from others, as if that's the only way to prove her charm. Oh, by the way, she dislikes you because her last target was Joe." "Did you see the group of girls surrounding her? You must know them too. They used to be Cathy's followers. But Lucy stole them away from Cathy, and a while ago, there was a big scene because of that." I raised my eyebrows, unable to hold back a laugh. "Her taste must be really terrible." But I was glad that someone gave Cathy a lesson. "Exactly," Olivia chuckled gleefully. "When you weren't at school a few days ago, Lucy was delighted. She went around telling everyone that Joe had dumped you, and your father kicked you out of the pack. But as soon as someone told her about Prince Louis publicly announcing you as his mate, she immediately shut up." She gesticulated animatedly, vividly describing, "You have no idea, her expression was priceless! She looked as if she had swallowed a live toad! Today, when you just arrived at school, I thought she would be smarter and not come bothering you again. But it seems like she just can't let it go." "Really boring," I commented. I had no interest in these empty-headed individuals who were obsessed with comparison and stealing boyfriends. I couldn't muster any enthusiasm to engage in their provocations. Though the annoying people had left, Olivia and I also lost the mood to continue chatting on the open field. "Let's go sit in the small grove over there," I suggested. "There should be fewer people there." That turned out to be a wrong decision. Just ten minutes after we sat on a bench near the small grove, the previously sunny sky suddenly became overcast with dark clouds. Before long, it started pouring. The rain was heavy, forcing us to run to the entrance of an abandoned underground garage nearby to take shelter. While the canopy above our heads shielded us from the sudden downpour, Olivia glanced back at the closed iron gate of the garage and muttered, "What a terrible day." I understood what she meant. This iron gate was infamous within our school. A year ago, a newly enrolled freshman was found dead outside this gate, in an extremely contorted position, hanging from a chain. His death was said to be exceptionally tragic, with his abdominal organs gnawed away by some wild beast, leaving only remnants. The incident caused a great sensation on campus at the time. Some people swore that it was the devil's revenge, claiming an occult symbol was drawn in blood on the iron gate. Others dismissed it as just a regular suicide case. I never believed those nonsensical rumors. However, I did notice faint specks of dark red stains still lingering on that iron gate. I stared at the gate tightly bound by iron chains for a while, ensuring that there was no way it could suddenly open from the inside. Then I slowly withdrew my gaze. Standing under the canopy with Olivia, we chatted aimlessly while waiting for the rain to ease, so we could return to the main building to get umbrellas. There was still half an hour before the time I had told Prince Louis we would leave school. I held my phone, looking at the heavy rain outside, contemplating calling him in advance. But in the end, I decided against it. It was just half an hour. I could wait a little longer. A driver will come to pick me up soon. I did consider the possibility of him coming personally to pick me up. But that thought only flitted through my mind like burning scraps of paper, quickly dissipating in the wind. After all, he was a prince with an overwhelming amount of daily affairs to handle. Although we had confirmed our relationship that night, I never considered myself Louis's girlfriend by any means. Olivia always felt that I should be more confident. But facing someone who was perfect in every aspect, any woman in the world would probably feel uneasy. I chuckled at myself in self-deprecation. Within two minutes, I suddenly hugged my arms and rubbed my skin, asking, "Olivia, don't you feel like it's getting colder here?" Olivia nodded slowly, somewhat sluggish in her response, "Yeah, it does feel that way." We hesitantly looked around. The temperature here was dropping at an alarming rate, so much so that it was noticeably abnormal. I noticed frost forming on the iron gate behind us and immediately pushed Olivia away from it with caution. Almost simultaneously, the iron chains began to shake violently. A bone-chilling white mist started seeping out from the gaps of the gate. My pupils contracted in an instant as I exclaimed in a trembling voice, "Run!"

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