17 - "No Longer In Service"

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Summer seemed so dark with all the negative energy surrounding it

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Summer seemed so dark with all the negative energy surrounding it. It was clear this was not a good year. So much was happening at such a rapid pace. With Alix in the hospital in critical condition and Dion dead; things seemed so meek.

Cilia, Phenix, Jaxon and Casi were all cuddled up on the sectional sofa in the lounge room. The two boys had become extremely quiet since learning of their brother's stabbing. Phenix was distraught and she knew Jaxon was too, even if he didn't show it. Casi only being three-years-old, had no idea what was really going on. Cilia only told her Alix was sick and couldn't come home right now.

It was hard on Cilia, especially being that their father was not around. She lost count of how many times she spoke to Allele at the hospital. Called and texted him, begging him to come home and be with his family and he would completely ignore her requests.

It was now two weeks later and Alix had yet to open his eyes or have his condition change. And like Allele had promised, he did not leave his son's side either. It was taking a toll on Cilia having to deal with everything alone. Her son being in critical condition, she had to console her emotional children over the incident and even mourn Breeze.

Despite they hardly ever got along and she disliked him a great deal; he had been her first romantic experience. He was her first consensual experience. She did like him during their short time together and he made her feel loved. So she could always appreciate him for that.

She understood Allele was hurting, but his issue was he thought he was the only one hurting. He literally had reverted back to his old self at the drop of a dime. Shutting everyone out and acting like it was only him who was going through something. Casi and the twins were his kids too. And she was his wife.

"Mommy can we see Alix today?" Phenix questioned for the millionth time. Every day he asked the same question.

Cilia told herself he was only a child and didn't know any better. She didn't lose her cool, just answered. "Baby you ask mommy this every single day. I said kids are not allowed in the ICU. You can't see Alix, I know you want too but you can't."

"Well can you take a picture of him please? I just wanna see he."

Cilia wouldn't take a picture of their brother hooked up to wires and machines. That would traumatize them more than hearing what happened to him. One time she tried to be slick and take a close-up picture of Phenix sleeping and pass it off as Alix so they could get off her back; but both twins knew immediately it was Phe.

A loud clatter went on in the kitchen but the older woman said she was okay before she met Cilia in the lounge room moments later. The next door neighbor Faith came by to keep Cilia and the kids company.

Cilia appreciated it a lot. Faith was heaven sent and had been a blessing since she met them a year ago. Cilia didn't know what it was like to have a mother, but she guessed Faith was the closest thing.

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