5 - "A Lion & A Duck"

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Lotus' felt his head pounding in stress

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Lotus' felt his head pounding in stress. Something that was once so easy now seemed impossible. Having to figure everything out from scratch was hard. His eyes moved back and forth across his monitor screen.

The office doorknob turned and Noelle peeked her head in. "Hi Pàppa, can I come in?" She asked sweetly.

For a second he thought she was joking but when he saw she really was waiting for permission, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Can you come in? I'm not your father Noelle, I can't tell you where you're allowed."

"Well this is your office space and I don't know if it's off limits or something. I don't want to intrude."

Now that she said it Lotus slyly turned off the screen on his monitor. He didn't want her to see all his assets and accounts. Even though she had a good idea about most of the stuff he had, she didn't know about everything and he wanted to keep it that way. He loved Noelle and trusted her, but they did just meet. He was still getting to know her. Anybody can mold themselves to who you wanted when money was involved. He had to keep learning about her first.

He leaned back in his seat and beckoned her over seeing she was still standing there waiting for permission. She wore a white tank top with rhinestones that read Princess and had a design of a crown underneath the word. As wealthy as Noelle now was, she still didn't my mind buying $5.99 shirts and shopping off-brand sometimes. That's what he liked about her, she was down to earth and didn't care. She didn't need to be dripped out in Dolce & Gabbana just to go to sleep.

Noelle walked over and sat on his lap. "Hey. You been in here all day, everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just...working."

Lotus reached up and ran the back of his index finger across her left breast, grazing her nipple. Then he pinched it. Noelle giggled and snorted, covering her mouth.

"Princess, huh?"

"Pàppa, stop. Why are you so nasty? What if my shirt got wet and somebody asked me in the hallways what happened?"

He almost asked her what she was talking about when he assumed she meant her breast milk.

"Just tell them you were in a wet t-shirt contest ."

Noelle chuckled. "Ew nasty."

"What's up?" He questioned.

Noelle put her hands around his neck and kissed him. Lotus clutched her jaw and stuck his tongue deep into her mouth. His hand slid to the front of her neck and he squeezed as he dominated the kiss, tonguing her down.

Noelle felt her center throbbing. Lotus went to put his hand between her legs but she clamped her legs shut, so he opened his hazy eyes, looking at her.

"Sooo I have to say something. I think you're a great husband and that you are genuinely interested in your daughters, but I think you can also try harder."

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