20 - "Hypocrites"

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The morning sun was sharp, beaming down on the roofs of the three Bentleys that drove on the highway toward Astoria, Queens

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The morning sun was sharp, beaming down on the roofs of the three Bentleys that drove on the highway toward Astoria, Queens. When White Locus said the meeting would be in the morning, she was not playing. She was way ahead of schedule—she just had to make a quick pit-stop to pick up Lotus's trifling, lying wife to expose her in front her husband.

Allele, Cilia, Keshawn and close cartel soldiers were the only ones invited to the meeting and the only ones so far who knew of Noelle's deceit. The rest of the information would be passed down to the rest of the workers depending on what they decided to share with them after this meeting.

White Locus had her men tailing her on the way to Noelle's parents house. Whether she was just staying with her parents to spend some time; or it was part of a couple's spat between her and Lotus, she didn't know and didn't care. Her only goal was letting Lotus know the type of scum he married right before she killed her. The more Locus thought about it the more mad she got. She was hit with a headless body through a window and almost got assassinated in a fucking Starbucks. The bitch would be lucky if she was able to keep her cool when she saw her.

The trip there was easygoing and quiet because of how early in the morning it was. The roads were clear and hassle free. Pulling up in the Wrights' driveway, White Locus jumped out the backseat. She had four of her men accompany her to the door.

Locus rang the doorbell camera. She wanted them to see her so they knew who it was. The door was answered in seconds by Noelle. She was holding Oluchi in her arms who was automatically reaching for one of the men beside Locus. She was interested in the sparkly chain on his neck.

White Locus could admit her brother's wife was a beautiful girl. Her skin was flawless either from a really good skincare routine or she was just blessed with soft, blemish-free skin. She was slim and her butterfly stitch braids looked gorgeous. The little curly pieces of human hair really enhanced the style. She actually had the type of look where they could've been friends. But her personality said she was a soft bitch and a traitor and Locus didn't do any of those.

"Put the kid down, you're coming for a ride with me."

"E-excuse me?" Noelle questioned, caught off guard. She rarely ever saw Lotus's queenpin sister. So her showing up to her parents house was strange. Her tone made things even more alarming. It didn't seem like she was asking.

"Put the kid down and get in the car. Either that or these men are gonna fuck you up in front your kids and your parents. Your parents try to step in, they'll get fucked up too. Get in the car, I'm not gonna tell you again. We're going to see hubby, bitch."

Noelle felt queasy. There was something about Lotus' eyes that changed depending on two moods. Either when he was angry or when he was aroused. They became intense and dark. But on every rare occasion she's seen his sister, her eyes remained cold whether she was smiling or not and angry or not. It was a permanent part of her face. Her eyes stayed cold and emotionless. And looking in them right now Noelle could definitely tell she wouldn't say it a third time.

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