6 - "Menace"

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Lotus tuned out the circus going on in his master bedroom

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Lotus tuned out the circus going on in his master bedroom. Clothes, shoes, pampers, bottles and toys were everywhere. It was like the space of a hoarder while Gia and Noelle were getting ready; while simultaneously getting the twins ready as well.

The Hunter girls were going out on an excursion. Something they'd been doing a lot lately. Noelle was always outside with her three girls Naomi, Oluchi and Gia. She loved bonding with her daughters. And also because it acclimated Gia to her family as well.

Kutu was dressed and waiting downstairs in the living room. If Lotus wasn't here Noelle would let her niece come up to help speed up the process; but Lotus didn't like others in his personal space. Gia was his daughter so he really didn't care. But anyone else besides his daughters and wife being in his bedroom was a no-go.

Naomi was dressed but Oluchi was naked, crying to the top of her lungs while Gia attempted to put her diaper on.

"Gee Gee baby, wrong way, turn the pamper the other way. I showed you how to put on your sisters diapers four different times. You still don't remember?" Noelle giggled.

Gia tilted her head to the side studying the diaper. "No...the front and back look the same." She said.

She held it up and Noelle looked in the mirror by the vanity where she was doing her makeup. Noelle nodded in confirmation at Gia then turned side to side to see if her face was looking right.

Gia glad she got it right, kissed on a hollering Oluchi while she put her diaper on. She loved her sisters, they were so cute and small. She picked the crying baby up carefully and began to rub her back.

Lotus had his back turned on his cellphone way across the room. He was ignoring the screaming, the chaos and the mess trying to focus on his legal dealings.

"Don't cry Lulu." Gia said sweetly.

"Support her head babes, support her head." Noelle reminded.

Gia put her hand on the back of the baby's head, shushing her.

Lotus was renewing his contract for Vous Et Moi, the chain of French restaurants in Dallas he and his sister owned. He would have to send the revised copy of the contract to his sister for her to sign as well since she was part owner. He doubted she would want any changes made but knowing her she was extra sometimes and would find something to change just to do it.

A call displaying as Unknown appeared on Lotus' screen while he was reading, ruining his flow. He sighed inwardly but answered just to see who it was.

"Yes." He answered flatly.

"Long time no see."

"How long has it been?" He questioned unsure of who he was speaking too.

"Five years. Forgot about me already?"

Lotus lowered his voice all the way. "Zeus."

"Don't sound surprised. I'm assuming your sister told you she had an encounter with me. Not directly, but, she knows I'm around. Wasn't sure if she told you though, last time I left off you two weren't speaking."

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