19 - "Waterboarding"

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Cilia sang to Alix who laid in his hospital bed being fed through a needle

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Cilia sang to Alix who laid in his hospital bed being fed through a needle. He was now in stable condition so his room had been moved one floor below, two days ago. Some wires had also been removed since his condition was bettered slightly.

"Mommy loves you Alix." She spoke to him. "...And your brothers miss you. Phe keeps wearing your favorite t-shirt and Jaxon is super quiet now. He doesn't talk or bother anyone. Your sister says your name all day and daddy literally stalks you here every day." Cilia informed, talking to him like the doctors recommended.

This time they were in a two-bed hospital room. But Alix was still alone because there were no other patients in the room. The staff also told her now that he was in stable condition, he was allowed to have visitors other than his parents and that his siblings could come see him as well.

Cilia didn't know about that yet. She would have to discuss it with Allele. He did look much better and less scary for the kids, but she still didn't know if it would be inappropriate for the kids to see him.

Despite he had yet to open his eyes, the nurses kept him clean. Especially with the constant presence of his parents. Medical staff tended to treat a patient better when they had family around because they knew they were being watched.

Cilia kissed his forehead just as the hospital door opened. Allele walked in smoothly, but Cilia could tell who it was by the light footsteps. She gave him the same treatment by not turning to greet him. The children were back with Faith since Journi had to go.

"Feel vindicated?"

"Yup." Cilia said. He must've thought she was playing when she said she would get active.

"Cool." Allele said ending the conversation.

"You have absolutely no right to be mad. So you better not have an attitude." She side-eyed him.

Allele rose his eyebrows. "Mad? Why would I be mad? It's your life, not mine. You go out there and get killed I promise you I'm fucking somebody else by tomorrow and finding another woman to be a mother to the kids by the end of the month. I'm not mad about anything. Go out there tonight again if you want."

Cilia looked at him funny. If she was hurt by his words, he didn't care.

"You must've forgot we have children now. So maybe you never thought of this or you refuse to acknowledge it, but they come first to me, not you anymore. So if you wanna run around shooting guns and playing tough, your choice. If you get killed or police tracks you to the murders, you're going to prison. I'm not taking no charges for you."

She wanted to believe he was lying because six years ago when they had both gotten wrapped up in murder charges, Allele was prepared to take all of her charges. But she begged her sister for lawyers to help him. They were twenty back then, now they were twenty-six with four kids. It wasn't just about them anymore. And Cilia knew that so his words didn't hurt her feelings.

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