3 - "Plotting"

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Zeus put his head under the shower pipe and let the water wrap around his head

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Zeus put his head under the shower pipe and let the water wrap around his head. It ran through his locks, into his eyes and flowed down his body.

He put a hand against the wall as he let his thoughts takeover. Thoughts of his past. He couldn't believe so much had changed in the course of five years.

Five years ago if someone would've told him White Locus would be at the top of his hit list he would've laughed in that person's face. She had been the love of his life. Even if unreciprocated; he had still loved her. Now all he could think about was destroying her and everything she loved.

That woman was poison. He had loved her with his soul and no matter what he did it was never enough. She was a cold, frigid, unfeeling, uncaring shell of a human being. He should've known she was no good for any man. All of them who came into contact with her had bad luck.

From him, to Troy, to Bonnie and Jay. She destroyed and tainted every man. Until Mark Statin. Zeus had been by her side since he was a seventeen-year-old little boy. Openly confessed his love for her only for her to tear him down each chance she got. He use to kill for her on command, protect her life with his own, was ready to leave the girlfriend he'd been with since high school for her and none of it was good enough.

Yet, she turned around and got with Mark Statin. Gave her heart, a baby, and wore a ring for Mark Statin. A regular civilian off the street. A pastor. A square who went to ministry school. A woman who had killed his baby now had a baby. A woman who behaved like she could never be in love was now in love. Giving all that to someone who hadn't done a damn thing to receive her loyalty and would probably rat her out to the cops if he ever got the chance.

Zeus would take it all away like she took everything away from him. His child, his family, his child's mother. She shot his newborn with a shotgun, had his child's mother gang-raped, tortured and murdered and slaughtered his remaining family members.

White Locus and her entire cartel and family would go down. Her husband, daughter, mother, brothers and sister, nieces, nephews, down to material shit she owned if he could get too it. He would leave her with nothing.

Zeus turned off the shower pipe and stepped out. He didn't bother grabbing a towel, knowing he'd be dry in a moment. He heard a crack come from the living room but didn't pay it any mind knowing it came from the cheap floorboards.

Gone were the days of luxury living and expensive cars. Having been assumed dead all these years, all his bank accounts and assets had been ceased by the government. They were all illegal anyway so he couldn't claim them if he did try to come forward.

So he'd been reduced for the last five years as being a low level drug dealer and renting out some crappy spot in Queens to get by. He was in a basement with so much health violations it made a Chinese restaurant in the hood look good. But the rent was only $500 because of these conditions so Zeus had to work with the cards he was dealt.

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