2 - "Intelligent"

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Noelle carefully tiptoed into the twins' room

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Noelle carefully tiptoed into the twins' room. The room was a lemonade pink and tangerine orange. Noelle wanted a very girly room for vibrancy. The crib was almost queen size because she wanted one big one instead of two separate cribs so the babies could physically be close.

Decorations lined the walls including photos both professional and amateur of the girls themselves and some of Gia. African décor adorned the walls and other little things such as LED strip lights on the ceiling and a musical crib mobile over the crib.

It was dark but the nightlight plugged in the wall gave a soft orange glow against pink side of the wall. Noelle peeked her head in and saw Lotus asleep on the rocking chair.

The sight of her husband sleeping near their daughters crib melted Noelle's heart. A man being there for his own children usually wouldn't be something she would celebrate; but because she knew the mental and emotional trauma he was dealing with, with the recent loss of his son, to see him immersing himself with the kids made Noelle feel like he was trying.

Noelle stepped on the soft plush rug, advancing to him. "Pàppa." She whispered.

He didn't stir. His elbow was on the wooden armrest holding his chin as he was slumped over in the chair. He was deep in sleep.

Noelle smiled and gently shook his shoulder. "Lotus."

"Hm?" He answered, groggily.

"Come on, let's go to bed." She whispered, gently pulling his hands. "The girls are asleep, let's go to bed."

"...Okay, can we fit?" He replied, eyes closed and still halfway asleep. He thought she told him to get up because they were gonna sleep in the crib with the babies.

"Hey." Noelle said cupping his face.

Lotus opened his eyes and was staring at a smiling Noelle. She pecked his lips and tugged at his hands one more time. He stood but stumbled for a second. As they walked out with Noelle holding Lotus's hand like he was three, she glanced at their babies.

Naomi and Oluchi were fast asleep, both wrapped in separate blankets with little hats on. The baby monitor was also on to hear everything going on in the room.

Back in their room, Lotus was so tired he climbed right into bed and closed his eyes again. Noelle got in beside him and lifted his head and rested it on her breasts. She held his face to her like he was a small child who had a nightmare.

"Goodnight Lotus, I love you."

"Night sweetheart."

The room was silent and dark but not as dark as to where they couldn't see anything. Noelle closed her eyes but it was Lotus who seemed restless. He kept moving as if trying to find a comfortable position. After two minutes she felt him pick his head up off her.

Feeling lips on the inside of her neck, she opened her eyes to see him on top of her. He couldn't sleep anymore and was wide awake. She smiled and Lotus smirked.

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