Not-So-Good News

156 15 27

Day 37

Sabre's P.O.V.


When I get to the Rainbow Kingdom, the guards at the gate take one look at my determined face and decide to let me in.  The gate groans as I march through, brandishing the machine in my hands.

By this time, the first light of dawn is peeking over the edge of the wall, leaving the kingdom covered in long shadows.  The streets are empty except for the nighttime guards, who cast me curious glances.  I give them a polite nod as I barrel on toward the citadel.  I don't care what time it is.  I'm calling a meeting.

"Sir?  Have you gotten any sleep?"  One calls after me.  I falter.  Now that he mentions it, I remember the aching tiredness.  I haven't slept in... Well, shoot.

"We're allowed to drag him back, right?"  One Colorless Guard asks another.  "Light said not to let him stay up this late."

"I'll make it quick!"  I shout back to them, turning back to the citadel.

It's... not that easy.  For one thing, one of the guards is definitely a Yellow Steve.  For another, I'm running on fumes.  It only takes a few minutes for them to haul me back to my house.

"C'mon.  It can wait 'til morning."  One says reassuringly as he points at my bed.

"It really can't!"  I protest.  "It's a safety issue!"

"Then let us handle it.  We're the Colorless Guard."  another says.  "Also, we're not sleep deprived."

It's funny how even trapped in a machine, Light can still foil my plans.

But I'm so tired...

I cast a suspicious glance at my alarm clock.  If I do sleep, it had better wake me up.

"Sabre.  Bed."  The Colorless Guards block my door, leaving me no escape.  I give an exaggerated sigh as I flop down onto my bed.  If they're going to trap me here anyway, I might as well get a few hours of sleep out of it.  I roll my eyes as they give each other a high five.

But the bed feels so soft... So much softer than the floor...

I barely have to close my eyes before I'm fast asleep.

Just as I predicted, the incessant noise of my alarm clock wakes me up.  I groan at the bright shafts of sunlight streaming through my window.  The guards are gone, leaving me to wake up in privacy.  I'm about to hit the snooze button when I remember what my mission was last night.

I have to call a meeting, now.

I bolt upright, feeling my head spin as I quickly grab the machine.  How could I have wasted so much time?

"Oh, Sabre, you're back!"  The morning guards wave as I scramble out of my house, probably looking a little worse for wear.  I quickly wave back as I shut the door and whirl toward the citadel again.  "How was talking to Light?"  I give a noncommittal shrug, then begin sprinting toward the citadel.  Hopefully the guards will forgive me later.

Stairs.  More stairs.  Why do there have to be so many stairs?

I knock loudly on each leader's door, waiting impatiently as they all force themselves awake.

"Sabre?"  Yellow Leader's the first one to poke his head through the doorway.  "What in the Over world?"

"I'm calling a meeting."  I say firmly.  "Tell the others."  The Yellow Steve blinks, frowning, then disappears back into his room.

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