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"If I were to kiss you, then go to hell I would. So then I can brag with the devils that I saw heaven without even entering it"

William Shakespeare

Martin sent me a good outfit. Black pants with a green pulover and a white shirt, I hope he likes it.
After sending a picture to him about how it looked on me, I went, and my dad asked me where I was going, and I answered that I was going to hang out with friends.

When I arrived, I waited for him in an ice-cream shop, not romantic, but, I thought he'd like it. After a few minutes, someone covered my eyes and asked who it was, of course I knew it was Aleks
"You look amazing"
" I know, a good friend of mine recommended this outfit, for me"
" Well tell this person that it has a good taste in mode"
If he would know who recommended this.
" Shall we take some ice cream?"
"Yes"I said" we shall"
And suddenly, he did something that I never thought he would do, he took my hand and intertwined it with mine. And of course, I blushed, not as Gaja does, but with a crimson hue.

We took our ice cream, and we went to a private space, where no-one could find us.I was thinking about how to manipulate the situation to kiss him.
"You have some ice cream on your nose"
"Really, where?"
"Here" he placed his finger on my nose and slowly and carefully took out the small amount of ice cream I had. When he finished, he lowered his hand slowly to my chin, looked up at me, and he put his eyes on my lips. I could feel my heart beating harder than normal. Our gazes connected, and I got lost in his gaze, and he in mine. Without noticing it, he approached me and kissed me. I could feel that only the two of us existed alone with the universe. The kiss lasted a few minutes and we had to separate because of the stupid issue of the air. When we separated, we sigh the air retained during the kiss. and he hugged us tightly, and we kissed again. After many kisses and hugs, we said goodbye with a short kiss and wished each other a Merry Christmas and a good start to the New Year.

After that,  Martin wrote me and asked  me like 10 questions about who,what,where,  I was going. and i didnt replied him yet.

When we came back to school, he gave me a how-dare-you-not-answering-back  type of look. But, he thought a liitle, and stopped questioning me." if you dont want to tell me, its okay, it depends of you either trust me or not" said before entering to class. 

In some subjects, me and Aleks made eye-contact, for a long time(of course no-one saw us, I guess). during meal time, I sat with Gaja, Rebeka and Martin, and Aleks with Masa. I noticerd that he had a fake smile. I think he hasn't told her yet.

"Teo. Teo. Teo!"  shouted Rebeka
"Are you listening?"I nodded a no" I said that this week we'll get our geography exams."
"I hope I passed"Gaja said with a tone of fear
" I think we all hope"added Martin 
"What about you Teo?"
" Em,yeah I think the same"
After that I listened to how Martin and Rebeka were giving  a parents-talk about how Gaja didn't wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Mango. If they'd know about my new year experience.

Besides of that, my phone started vibrating, and I looked how Aleks was asking me to go to the bathroom. I replied with a yes and a heart emoji.

"I'm coming right back guys" and I left my schoolbag with them.

I started to walk to the restroom, and a hand pulled me over, and it was Aleks. He pushed me to a toilet, locked the door and kissed me.

"I missed you so much" Said after a 5 minute kiss session in my neck.
"I missed you too love" 

We were yher for ten minutes and I said that I must go because I left my bag with'em.

"I don't understand how you can be friends with Martin."
"If you would of and talk to him about stuff, you'd understand"
"I rather jump off a cliff before talking to him." I rolled my eyes with that comment." Remember not to tell him about us!"
"I won't, see you in class"

When I went out form the door,Arron was already there waitinf with my bag.

"Finally! What were you doing in a bathroom for ten minutes? Actually, nevermind. I don't care. Do whatever you want."

Martin's pov

When I saw Teo blushed just my a text of someone, I started to think that he may be dating someone. After waiting 5 minutes for him to come back I whispered to Rebeka's year

"I think that Teo is dating someone of our school."
"Naah, don't worry. He isn't in love with you no-one"
"Okay, but the possibility is still there"
"We should better go, class starts in 5 minutes"said Gaja
"I'll get Theo's bag to him, don't worry, see you there!"

With that I carried his bag, and waited outside the boys restroom. 

When he went out, I noticed that his neck was kind of wet. Maybe he got his neck wet to be refreshed for class. After that we walked to English class and Aleks Orešek came after approximately 2 minutes. 

"Why are you looking at Aleks so much? Asked Gaja
"I think he's in love with one of them" I  said
"With whom? Said Rebeka with curiosity
"With Orešek, of course"
"WHAT?" shouted Teo
" I'm joking Jeez. Or maybe he's jealous about one of them" he said with his sassy-sarcastic voice."what do you got to say Teo. Are you jealous with one of them?

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