14 2 22

" Take a moment  to think of just flexibility, love and trust "
Here comes a thought

When the bells rang, my professor for Slovene unlocked the classroom and everyone went in. We got our books on the desk, did our usual greeting and sat down.
Professor started talking and explaining and it was so booring I kept dozing off. I tried to draw some stuff to keep me busy. While I was drawing, I flinched a little when I felt a hand on my leg. I look at Aleks and stare at him, giving a warning with my eyes. He looks at me and then smirks. He caresses my leg further up and squeezes. I yelp not expecting this and also his hand placement.
"Do you have anything to share with the class?" professor says and gives me an annoyed look.
"M-me? No no sorry." I say flustered, hearing some of my friends laughing and other schoolmates looking at me.
Aleks still keeps his hand on my leg, he just moved it more to the side so no one sees or suspects anything. After professor continued with the lecture, I look at Aleks who's smirking and smiling, so I hit him hard on his arm and he was silently in pain holding onto his arm. The face he made was so funny and priceless.
"Do not do that again!" I whisper to Aleks.
"Why? Your reaction was really cute~ And I can see you got quite excited~" he whispers hinting on something in my lap. Then, he gets really close to my ear, and softly licks it.
I look at him not even processing what just happened, I cover my face with one hand while using the other and pulling my hoodie to cover it.
"Why did you do that!??!" I whisper yell at him while making sure no one saw.
"Why not?~"
"We are in a CLASS with 26 other schoolmates and a fricking PROFESSOR in the class?!?!?!" I look at him wondering how he has the confidence to do this during a lecture.
For the rest of the class, I ignored him, but this scene keeps playing and playing inside my head and it's so annoying that I can't get it out of my head. Thankfully the class ended fast and I quickly went to some other friends. I looked at Aleks and saw him with some other friends so I sighed and stayed with my friends during lunch. I just thank God that neither Rebeka, Gaja or Gal, neither Martin saw that. It was one week ago when Aleks told me that he has this issue of Martin.
" Do you remember when I talked to him about something?"I nodded a yes" whel, he called me Romeo. Weirdo."
"Me too, sometimes I fear that he knows more that he should. When we met eachother in the restroom, he was outside already waiting for me. What if we tell him?"
" I don't like hiding stuff from my friends. They are worth to know!"
" I don't trust them"
"You could if you give them a chance!"
" I cannot"
"Why not?"
" Because I am not ready?"
"Ready for what?"
"To, to, to, come out of the closet" he said already crying" it is very hard to me to accept myself! And I haven't broke up with Masa yet!"

After that day, I realized that if we want a healthy relationship, we should listen eachother. And trust eachother. If he's not ready to come out yet, I'll wait. But it's killing me inside to not tell them. They are worth it. I guess that two of them already suspect something. If he would know how many secrets we trusted, how many times we advised eachother.

In my house I was lying in my bed and an awesome idea crossed in my mind, so I texted Aleks

I have an idea
-What if you join us tomorrow in meal time?
-Who are us?
-Gal, Rebeka, Gaja and Martin
-for u to see how nice r they
- no
- please
- can you do it for me?
- yes
- 😘

So we were, in school, before meal time. Aleks was nervous, I told him that he must not worry, they would welcome him with open arms.
When the bell rang, Aleks's hands were sweating.
"Calm down, it will be fine"
" You sure"
" Yes"

When we came downstairs, the gossip group was seating in one of the four tables in the school lobby.
" Hey guys, do you mind if Aleks join us?"
" Of course "
" Sure"
Martin became silent, but, he accepted it

No one's pov

Martin's mouth was silent, but his mind was loud. He was thinking why Aleks wasn't seating with Masa. His thoughts sounded something like this:
is it possible that Masa and him broke up? Naaaah, it can't be possible, but what if , no, no no. What am I thinking about, they are in s healthy relationship.
"Martin, Martin, MARTIN!" Rebeka called him, making his mind stop making weird theories
"Eat your meal!"she commanded
"All right" Martin sighed
"Are they always like this?" asked Aleks in a Whisper to Teo
"Rebeka and Martin?"
"Well, they are, how can I describe them? They aren't normal. They sometimes act like parents, you know? They tell Gal and Gaja what to do, or eachother, they are supportive, they are good people to talk, they are smart, they are a very Powerful duo, really, you should see them when they talk bad about someone, when they are argumenting or discussing about what to do. If you want to know how they act, try to be one day with'em and you'll see"
" Well, I see them sometimes in slovene class, how they talk to eachother crossing through the class. I don't know hot the professor doesn't see them. In maths they are intelligent of course Rebeka is better than him  but they finish one math example fast. In other classes I don't know. Martin in Spanish is so bored. He's not when he tries to explain something to Domen. In chemistry they're excellent."
"Thanks to describe us like that Aleks"Martin's Voice came out of nothing
"How could you hear that?" Said Gaja surprisingly
" There's something called ears you know?"
" Aaaah there it is!"
"There's what Aleks?"
" Martin being mean!"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAJAHAHAHAHA" everyone laughed the shit out of them
"MARTIN?MEAN? WHAAAAAAAT? NEVEEER! Said Rebeka between her laugh
"I agree, I'm not mean, I'm ironic, sarcastic, fantastic, intelligent, sometimes mean." Martin agreed with Rebeka
"Are you like this with everyone?" Asked Aleks with curiosity
"I have one roul: if you treat me good I'll treat you goodz but with sarcasm, irony, bla, blaz bla. But if you don't respect me, forgive my good intentions with you. If I don't like someone, heaven help them"
"What about your family?"
" I treat them as I treat my friends"
" Is there someone in this class which you don't like"asked Aleks worried about the answer
Everyone knew the answer
"Yes, it is. Is someone who bothers me, someone who doesn't respect the privacy of others, someone who is disrespectful with his classmates. And that person is someone with the name begining with A and ends with s "
Aleks gulped nervous his face showed a worry expression
" You aren't that person. You are a good person. Just observe us during class, and you'll figure it out"

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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