
15 1 1

I think a lot, but I don't say much.

Anne Frank

As I come home, I start thinking about Arrow being a total jerk. He spent the hole day saying thigs like, what are you doing?, where have you been?, why didn't you wait me after sports?. He also acted protective, I think? For example, when I was talking to martin, he goes like Mary is waiting us.... Like, do I care if your girlfriend is waiting us? Is your girlfriend, not mine I wonder why he is so protective. Does he think I'm one of his belongings??? DAMN NOT!!! Anyway. I have to do English. Every week, the teacher gives us an article, which we hace to read and do the exercises, if we don't, the teacher goes like:

- THREE WITHOUT HOMEWORK!!! Its better that this road has the article, if it is not, well 1C, it will be on the test!

It took me like twenty minutes to do it. I grab my phone and I saw some texts in our group chat form school. Everyones is there, except for Domen, An, and Martin. Domen and an aren't in the chat because they don't have smapchat, but Martin??? He was in the gproup chat, but for reason, hes not! I open my chat with him and I see that in the last twenty minutes, he wrote the titles of the books he red, and which ones he recommends me. Im going to ask why hes not in the group chat

- Why aren't you in the group chat?

- Which one?- he replies

- 1C??

- I don't know

- How that?

- Well the only thing that I know is that aleks deleted me for some reason and I don't know why? Does he hate me??

- What do you mean that he deleted you??

- Yep, he deleted me. I remember it asi if it was yesterday. It was in the music class, I shouted SILENCE, and the nnex him I read : Arrows
deleted you from this chat.

- And how do you feel ?

- I feel like confused? Did I do something wrong to him?

- Of course not. Have you tried asking him?

- Of course I did, but he unfriended me in Instagram, and when ii want to talk to him, he conests me in a very mean way. I should go. Bye!

- Bye

What a jerk!!!! Im speechless. Aleks banned out Martin just for one stupid, insignificant thing!

Next morning,at school....

Geography, booooring. This is school, some subjects are fun, some boring. I walked to the classroom, and the half of our class is there. Except for Gal, Arrow, Eric, Tia,and Martin, between others.I text rebeka where is martin and she answers that onn Fridays and Thursdays, he comes late, but not that late. I turns back and Martin is walking and reading.

- Can you look where are you walking??- alekses voice comes from nowhere

- Sorry, I haven't noticed you

- Maybe because you are reading, and you are suvh a dumbass

- Yeah whatever. Good morning! Hi teo!

- Hello. How do you do that?

- What? I do a lot of things

- Martin don't start-says rebeka

- Start what?

- You know what....

- How can you feel good when Arrow called you a dumbass?

- One of my talents. Its just, there is nosense of replied him back, that wouldn't be so mature for me.

- Mature? Have you matured? When??

- Yes I have, when, long time ago?

- When?

- That's personal

- You dojjnt trust me?

- Not yet, first you hace to pass the trust test

- Truth test? Whats that

- It's a test where, a friend does to know if he or she should trust you-explains gaja

- And I haven't passed it yet??

- Nope.

- When do I know that I passed??

- Youll know when.

- Can I ask you something?

- Yes.

- What do you thing about the way that Arrow acted yesterday?

- not very mature if you ask me. He acted like, hes your boss, and you are some employee. He should know that you, his friends, can do more friends.

- And where do you see Aleks, which is not very mature in all of this?

- In the fact that he didn't give you freedom to do more friendships. I don't know if that is a fact, but he is not really matured. For example, was it mature for him to ban me form the group chat; and that twice? NO! so yeah. He also thinks that is the king of Rome and that everyone should do whatever he says.

- So true.


Start of class. First geography, Spanish, Slovenian, then meal time, two hours of P.E, and finally, two hours of music.

I spent the whole class thinking about the description Martin gave of Aleks, hes right, Aleks does not act very matures for his age. We all are 15, but Martin is 16!!! One year older, he doesn't look like that. That means that next year hell turn 17!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAATT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!? But, of you think about it, it does have sense, he does not act very childly.

Imagine being the best one in one subject  being the perfect student, with perfect grades. That one is Martin. He is a Spanish native speaker and he is kinda teachers pet in Spanish, and in chemistry.  In every class, he seats in front and I in the back. I observe him,  in Spanish, he is explaining something to Domen. But he doesn't seem very pacient. Domen in Spanish doesn't listen and then asks Martin if it is Okey, he says that when we will correct he will see. Suddenly Aleks Sedej punchs him, WTF? What's wrong with him
- Ej! Don't pumch! It hurt!
- Sorry- he said back rolling his eyes
- what do you want?
- If you can explain me something
- I'm with Domen, then I'll go to you

Booom. He really knows hot to defend. I think that he doesn't like him very much.  When he finishes he relies on the wall,like always, and looks to the entire class, like an aguile does, of course he notices that everyone is on their phones but he doesn't care at all, he looks at me and, he nods his head, slowly.

-Okey! Let's correct! Teo, read the first example.- says the teacher.

I start reading, and successfully, it was perfect, I look at me and with his face says well done.

I wonder if he gets bored in Spanish, we are all doing homework, studying, and he just watches and helps. He could actually sleep, but he doesn't want, I think he knows that if he falls asleep, Domen or Aleks would woke up him.

I took my phone out,and start texting him on snapchat, asking him if he's bored, and he replied: no, just tired.
Tired, why???? I asked. It doesn't't matter.

-Can you stop talking to him, and start paying attention??-asks Aleks
- you said that you care about your grades, and being on the phone in a class, especially in Spanish, in which you don't know much, not like Alejandro, so stop using it!
- Okey

I wish I could defend myself like Martin does.  After class I'll ask him how does he do it.

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