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The best dreams are the unrealistic ones

-   And then I woke up, and then called you- I finished
I look at him and he's processing it. Like, imagine, that someone calls you and wakes you up from a nap just for a dream, and then it blows your mind.-Can you please say something??

- I only have one thing to say..... DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNN. How do you feel. Once I had a dream like that. BUT wow, it blows your mind. Thank you for telling me. And the kiss how was it? How did you feel it?

- It was amazing, I enjoyed that. My lips next to this person fits perfectly. It was passionate, got a lot of feeling like included. But what I enjoyed more, was how this person grabbed my hair while kissing. 

- Okey leave it there. Are you going to tell this to Rebeka and Gaja?

- Im not sure. It's not that I don't trust them, is just, can I trust them?

- Do you trust me?

- Yes

- Why?

- I don't know, you give that vibe.

-Whay vibe?

- The one that it makes you feel confident to trust. But I don't feel that to Gaja and  Rebeka yet. Pleas don't be mad

-  William Shakespeare said: love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. Okey, I have an, idea, of you think you can't trust them, risk it.

- But what if they go saying that out loud?

- You have nothing to be worry about. Gaja is too shy to talk to people, and Rebeka she knows that is way to personal, and she respects privacy. And besides, with a dream like that, daaaamn, they don go telling people what I dream.

-Okey, what about you. Should I trust you?

- That depends on you. 

- Okey see you tomorrow at school

- Bye

- WHAAAAATTTT!- Rebeka shouts

- Daaaaaammm!- says gaja flushing

- Please don't tell this anyone!

- Why would we. It's to personal. How did Martin react? Let me guess, he was taking a nap, and he was angry with you yo ruin his sleep. Am I correct?

- How did you know? Did he tell you?

- Nah, I talk about experience. Once I called him for lobe advices an he was angry because I woke him from s goood dream.

- Ou okey.

Then we normally had school. during every class, I was always thinking about the dream. It's a shame that I can't remember the face of this person. But, I like it. Martin says once, that he always dreamed of moving to Slovenia, and it came true. 

On my way home, I received a notification on which, Rebeka added me to a group on Snapchat, I'm which are Gaja, Martin, Rebeka, and me. I smiled. Does this mean that I'm part of their chats? Lol

- What's this group about?- wrote Martin

- It's a group of us four- wrote Rebeka

- Ou really, I didn't know

- Ok.

Suddenly I hear that my  bus station
Is next. I wemt off the bus, opened my phone and I saw that Martin and Rebeka have been chattin for a minite, and there were like a hundred texts!

- I  leave  the chat for a minute and I have a hundred texts! How do you do that?

- You'll get used to this- replied Rebeka

- Just wait untill we find out something,or we are bored, or we are discussing about Gaja being on denial- replied Martin


- yeah keep sayin that!

And they kept texting until Martin stop, then Rebeka. They stopped when I finally red the multiple texts.

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