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They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Kurt Cobain

- This is my station, see you tomorrow!

- Goodbye!

That went well.  I just made a new friend. I guess that I never expected to be friends with someone like Martin. He said that I will change, I wonder why. I admit that he's different, but aren't we all different between each other? I'm impressed how he doesn't care if he's different, he seems to not care at all. I wonder what he likes. I'll ask it, I don't know when, but I will.


BEEEP, BEEEEEP. What a lovely way to start a new day, hearing the most beautiful thing in the entire world, the alarm, which reminds you to wake up to go for school. I open my eyes, I change, eat breakfast, and go to the bus station. Then I remembered that yesterday I became friend with Martin. I think that today i'll look how he acts around Gaja and Rebeka, which I think that they are his closest friends, then he has An, Dorian and Domen. When I come to school, I recognise his autumn jacket. I leave mine and start walking to the first class, chemistry. When I come, he's seating with Rebeka and Gaja. Both are talking, while he's reading. The classroom for chemistry is at the end of the hallway.  While walking in the hallway, between other students I see how everyone is looking at him wanting to laugh and I feel like they want to bully him. How does he do that? Reading while everyone is judging him.

- What are you guys looking at? - I ask furiously. Why did I say that? Maybe because I don't want to see how they treat him as shit.

Martin, Gaja and Rebeka looked at me without believing what I just said. Martin having his typical neutral face, Gaia and Rebeka are more surprised.

- HAHAHAAHAHAHa- My friend Aleks laughs- Look at him reading Romeo and Juliet!!!! OMG

I turn my face to Martin's, he has this face like: seriously, are you trying to make me feel bad?? I can't figure if his face means that hes sad or without giving a single fuck about it.

- Look Teo, look at Martin. Isn't it funny??? He's reading romance!!!

Suddenly I feel everyone's look on me, waiting for me to say something.

- Hahaha, yeah, very funny- oooo fuck, why did I say that?? I'm feeling veeeery bad right now. I look at him and, of course he heard me, but his face was normal??? How? Doesn't hurt him for a friend, especially a friend which literally made just one day before, say things like that??

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING. I'll ask him, but the first class just started.

After three classes, it's time for the meal, and it's the exact moment to talk to him. I'm searching him in the cafeteria and he's seating with Gaja and Rebeka. They are talking while Martin is hearing their conversation. He looks up and he sees me, and he invites me to come over.

- May I seat with you??

- Yes- says Gaja.

- Of course-says Rebeka.

- Welcome- says Martin.

- Really?

- You impressed??

- Well, I thought that you wouldn't let me be with you guys.

- Martin told us that you are friends now, so, you are welcome to hang with us every time you like.

- Thanks. Martin?

- Yes?

- Sorry

- For what?

- For the thing I said before chemistry....

- Ou, its ok, I understand why you did it...

-  WAIT? WHAT???

- Yes, everyone was looking at you waiting for you to say some bullshit, about me, and you felt pressured, I understand.

- Wow

- Isn't he very good at knowing why you did that? - says Gaja.

- You'll get used to this- says Rebeka.

- Used to what??

- Used to Martin knowing everything. He's very perceptive, also he gives very good advice.

- Really? What types of advice??- I ask curiously

- Mostly love advises, but he also helps you with anxiety, panic and so on. You should try it. Ask something and he'll come with a phrase which it comes with an advice. Not always but, he's very smart

- Okey...... Why didn't you were sad about Aleks making fun about the fact that you were reading romance?

- Because its not normal. They think that a boy reading romance is pathetic because it is not normal. Who said that boys shouldn't be reading romance? No one. They laugh because they have this idea of  boys being very sportive, or hanging with other boys, they think that is  normal. But who says what is normal for a boy or a girl, literally no one. Nowadays, we have this ideology of what's typical for boys and what's typical for girls. They laugh because I'm different, but they don't realise that very deep inside , we are different. Sometimes I laugh at them because they act like they are normal.

- Told you.

- Wow, I'm impressed. You say very smart things.

- I know.

- And if you have questions or problems you can talk to him, he won't judge you.

- Why not?

- Because judging someone for wanting help is not something that I like. A lot of people come to me for help.

- But does someone help you?

- No, because I don't have problems.

- By the way we have 10 minutes to finish our meal...

- I dare that you would not win this time.

- Are you daring me to a race for who finishes first?

- Yes!

- These two- says Gaja like its normal for her- trust me, this happens sometimes.

- HA! I won! -says Martin proudly.

- Congratulations.

At that moment Martin starts to laugh and with that Rebeka and finally Gaja. They are trying to control themselves. They are so funny. I think that I made a good choice joining them.

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