Chapter 6: 3rd POV/Ominis (Spicy)🔥- Erotic Curiosities & Secret Pleasures

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Emelia's eyes remained closed as she felt her head fiercely pounding against her skull, but despite the massive headache and body ache, she strangely never felt more rested.

I think this is the best I've ever slept, she thought to herself.

She was conscious of her entire body, it weighed a ton, so to distract herself, she focused on her head, which was against a soft pillow and something else that was firmer, her arms were pressed against herself along with another foreign object. Emelia shifted her head slightly on the fluffy cushion with discomfort and agitation; yep, the pounding in her head was still present and vigorous as ever. The only thing which seemed to ease her overwhelming headache was the scent around her, it smelled like sweet vanilla, mint, an aroma of familiar tea – it smelt like Ominis.

Emelia tried to remember what happened last night but couldn't recall much after Imelda poured her parent's whiskey, she'd taken into their butterbeers, which she's currently regretting. It was vague and there were some gaps in some spots; she remembered, at least, shopping with the girls, eating at the Three Broomsticks, chatting, drinking, then stumbling and making their way back to Hogwarts. Imelda suggested they take a floo to get back to school quicker; Emelia recalled that they somehow got to the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower, running into Ominis, who then walked her back to their refuge.

"My prince..." the echo of her voice spoke, giggling; she couldn't help but think it was a memory from last night but wondered why in the world she'd say that?

"My princess..." Ominis' tone repeated in a whisper, but it only got louder and continued booming in her mind until it faded to nothing.

That was it.

That was all she remembered.

Emelia forced herself to open her eyes gradually, her vision blurred. She gulped quietly and noticed her dry mouth; she blinked a couple times, attempting to clear her vision. Looking down, she observed that she was wearing a familiar shirt – Ominis' shirt.

The dazed Slytherin squeezed her eyes tightly, thinking she was hallucinating and opened them, seeing that the shirt was still on her – it was real; she was trying to understand how she got into the shirt in the first place. Emelia realized then there was a sleeping body in front of her; she carefully glided her eyes along their figure, seeing their arm wrapped around her curved waist, the other under her neck, resting against the pillow, and when her eyes finally made it to the top, it was Ominis' sleep face that greeted her.

Emelia almost squealed, shocked to see Ominis in the same bed, but didn't mind, it felt nice – natural.

He was lightly snoring; the sound made her entire body beam with pure joy and happiness.

So adorable... she thought.

Holding her breath, knowing it probably smelled horrid from yesterday's fiasco, she observed his face; she'd seen Ominis sleep many times before but never like this – never this close. Taking in his peaceful appearance, she saw his gorgeous golden hair in its natural state, laying every which way on the pillowcase he laid on, his skin was flawless, not a blemish or pimple to be seen, almost making her jealous, his eyelashes were longer than she remembered, and just as beautiful as he was. Of course, the thing that stood out was his unique set of moles on the left side of his face, star-kissed, completing his charming and surreal image.

Emelia's eyes slid down to his slightly parted lips, her hand gradually moving upward to touch them, they looked soft...


A memory flashed before her.

"Your lips..." she said in a whisper.

A hum escaped Ominis' throat, waiting for her to speak.

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