Chapter 5: 3rd POV - Awaited Confrontations & Imprinted Moments

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For days, Sebastian had been studying, reading each word in the text thoroughly, trying to retain as much information as he could, to prove to others, and himself, that he's changed – better – and that his mistakes were behind him.

He was focused, attempting the wand movements to unfamiliar charms; it was difficult but nothing he hasn't done before. Holding his arm out, he repeated the actions slowly, eyes sliding along the pages of the course book.

It took everything in Sebastian to not fall asleep while learning the incantations; he'd been at it for hours on end, getting little to no sleep with minimal food – it almost felt like Azkaban.

The recalled feeling sent a shiver down his spine.

"Ugh!" he groaned, scratching the back of his head in annoyance.

There was a massive headache beginning to erupt, his fingers pressed at his temples in hope to relieve some tension.

"Come on, Sallow," he encouraged himself, lightly smacking his face, "get your head out of your ass and focus!"

Sebastian softly jumped repetitively, wiggling his arms along his sides, trying to wake his gradually snoozing body.

This would go way better if it wasn't so quiet in here, he thought to himself.

As he was about to conjure musical instruments to play a soft tune, the doors of the undercroft opened and his body immediately tensed, his breath hitched in surprise and his eyes snapped towards the direction of the noise, panting in terror.

Who was it? Emelia? Ominis? The ministry? A Gaunt family member?

He was right.

It was a Gaunt.


He strode in, but stopped instantly only a foot in the room, wand in hand with its bizarre red flickering.

Sebastian never really knew how his wand worked and was always curious about it. He remembered asking Ominis when they were younger, but even Ominis didn't even know how it actually worked.

He was in casual attire, making the outfit look both stylish and dashing; Ominis was always a gentleman, but he definitely looked the part now – a pinnacle of sophisticated nobility.

Sebastian was almost jealous.

No wonder Emelia was with him.

He couldn't compare; he was like a stray fox next to a noble stallion.

As soon as he spotted him, Sebastian held his breath and did his best to stay quiet, praying that his friend wouldn't sense him, but like all decisions in his life, he was wrong.

"S...Sebastian?" Ominis' voice questioned in doubt, eyes growing wide, trying to understand what his senses were telling him.

Sebastian sighed; he was caught.

He made his way around the long table, full of books and countless notes he'd been taking, nervously putting a hand in his pocket.

"Hello, Ominis," Sebastian replied, his voice a bit shaky; he lowered his head in shame, not wanting to meet his gaze.

This was something that Sebastian didn't foresee doing this anytime soon – meeting his loved ones – not having the confidence or even courage to face them himself after what and all he's done. He's rehearsed so many scenarios in his mind, trying to think of what to say, how to say it, what they'll say in return, and even how they'll react; Sebastian took a deep breath and forgot all about the possibilities and told himself to just speak from his heart.

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