Chapter 3: Sebastian - Unrelenting Hauntings & Uncertain Future

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I remained completely still in the very corner of the cold, stone prison. My greasy hair, across my forehead which was slightly sweaty and my clothes: a depressing white and gray long-sleeve with pants to match, not to mention a small bed and toilet that almost sat side by side. The only sources of light came from either the opening on the ceiling, illuminating the moon's glow into the cell, the steel doors that held me captive, the torch on the opposite side of the rusting metal gates, barely a flicker and a small window the showed me that we were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the vast and unforgivable sea – there was no escape.

I heard the other prisoners yelling either to be let out, that they were falsely accused or because they'd simply lost their minds. To drown out their screams, I focused on the thunder above me, the rain hitting and entering the stone pavement of my cell, the breeze picked up and I was grateful that the chill I felt was just from the wind. There were times when the prison was eerie and unpleasantly quiet – the sounds of breathing echoed all around me, maniacal cackling and incoherent muttering came from other inmates, the unexpected clash of prison doors making me jump, creaking open or closed; sometimes I heard curses being yelled by the guards.

I hugged my knees, pulling them closer to my chest, wanting this to all be over.

After what seemed like hours, I saw shadows appear in front of my cell; my eyes tried to focus, wondering who it could be.

"Sebastian?" her voice echoed; my heart leapt in my throat and a cold sweat ran down my back.

I covered my ears forcefully, trying to ignore her voice.


No, no, no,!

Not again!

Fucking boggarts.

"Sebastian," Ominis' voice said my name this time.

"No! You're not real! You're not here! None of you are here!" I yelled, my eyes shut tight, trying to press myself more into the stone wall.

"Sebastian," it said again in her angelic voice.

"Fucking stop! Stop using them against me!" I hollered, but the presence I felt only came closer.

I dared to open my eyes and saw that Emelia and Ominis were in front of me, looking down at me with pity.

I slowly raised to my shaky feet, feeling my lips quiver and my eyes water at the sight of my dear friends.

I knew they really weren't there, see them, to see her...

She laughed mockingly. "You're so pathetic, Sallow; you know it's your fault you're in here, turning yourself in like that's gonna help you," she stated, pacing around the limited space, the base of her heels clacking on the ground, "You're a criminal; you're going to rot in here like all murderers should. You never listened to me and why would you? Since I'm 'ignorant' for having a goblin friend," she spat out, glowering at me.

"No, Emelia, it – " I wanted to defend myself, apologize to her for my stupidity, my brazen remark leaving my tongue and later, realizing that it had pierced her deeper than any knife. I was the one that was truly oblivious, blinded by my own selfishness; however, I couldn't find the words to even come out.

"I hate you, Sebastian Sallow," she hissed at me.

Her words – regardless if it was real or not – pierced my heart, my mind going blank, fear encased my heart.

"Emelia, I –" I choked on my words again, feeling myself want to reach out towards her, fall to my hands and knees and beg for her forgiveness. My breathing quickened, beginning to pant; I swallowed hard, shaking my head. "Stop! You don't mean that...please..."

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