Chapter 10: 3rd POV - Worried Guises & Inches Away

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Emelia changed hastily early in the morning, brushing her teeth and hair in anticipation beside Anne in the shared bathroom, who mirrored her behavior, excited to see everyone back from their winter break.

They looked over each other to make sure everything was in order, and since they were sixth years, they didn't have to wear their robes; however, still had to wear the rest of the uniform appropriately with their house insignia on their vest, jumper or cardigan.

Emelia wore her black slacks with matching boots, white collared shirt unbuttoned at the top, rolled up to her elbows with her green vest opened with a loosened tie to complete her casual appearance; she left her hair undone, running her fingers through her silky locks after brushing it.

"Okay, ready!" Anne exclaimed, eager to leave, her hand already on the doorknob.

Emelia adjusted her collar, taking one last look in the mirror, and grabbing her things; she followed Anne out the door and towards the common room.

Ominis was waiting for them by the windows as always, with a cup of tea in his hand.

He was in his uniform, robe laid along chair beside him; his tie a bit loose, his collar unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up, showing off his defined forearms and some veins that popped out, his hair was its natural style. His body was leaning against the concrete pillar, the water of the Black Lake illuminating the sun from above and shining on Ominis' face; the sight almost took Emelia's breath away. He was an image of perfection.

"Good morning, Ominis," Anne greeted.

"Good morning, Anne," he replied back with a small smile, rotating his head to Emelia, "morning, Emelia," he stated to her in a low voice with a soft grin; the tone from Ominis made goosebumps appear on Emelia's arms.

"Morning, Ominis," she blushed, remembering her waking up in his arms in the middle of the night yesterday, recalling his innocent and handsome face, lightly grazing her fingers on his cheek, making him stir a bit and moaning in his sleep.

The memory warmed her cheeks.

"Ready to head to breakfast?" Anne wondered to the Slytherin boy.

Ominis pushed off the wall and put down his finished tea on the table beside him. "I actually have to run somewhere real quick," he answered regretfully, his face apologetic.

"Where to? It's not like you to skip breakfast," Emelia wondered curiously, an eyebrow raised, folding her arms over her chest.

Emelia noticed that Ominis has been running errands more often and going off doing Merlin knows what; she didn't want to pry and trusted Ominis and knew whatever he was doing, he'd tell her when he was ready.

"Not skipping," he confirmed, "but don't worry," he assured, using a spell to vanish his cup and teapot, grabbing his robe from the chair, "I promise I'll meet you in the Great Hall soon," he informed, putting on his cloak gracefully.

Emelia squinted her eyes at him, trying to keep her face indifferent, knowing Ominis could sense and somehow knew whenever she made certain expressions.

"Alright, but don't be long. I'm not going to save you food," Anne teased, taking a step towards Ominis and giving him a hug; she released him and walked to the exit, Emelia's eyes followed her movement.

Emelia shifted her head back around seeing Ominis waiting; she grinned and reddened to herself as she approached him and embraced him, his arms wrapped around her tightly, exhaling softly in her hair.

He didn't like hiding things from his darling princess, but it'll all make sense in time.

He could only hope...

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