Chapter 980 Entering the Walpurgis Night

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The towering gate creaked open, revealing a figure stepping forth. Clad in a pristine white attire, the man possessed blonde locks and piercing blue eyes.

"Greetings, esteemed guests. It brings me great pleasure to welcome you. I am Harlon Aradia, your guide in the Walpurgis Night," the man announced with a courteous bow.

'A witch...' Souta mused silently.

Alice, Eilish, and Amanda regarded the man with curiosity, unable to detect any palpable energy emanating from him, yet sensing an inexplicable aura about him.

"Dear guests, if you would be so kind as to accompany me. We have prepared accommodations for your stay," Harlon continued, a warm smile gracing his features as he turned and gestured for them to follow.

Souta and his companions trailed behind Harlon, passing through the gate and into the mysterious realm beyond.

They beheld a vast and bustling metropolis sprawled before them. People of diverse races ambled along the thoroughfares, engaged in lively conversation. It was a scene that diverged from their expectations; instead of being solely inhabited by witches, the city teemed with inhabitants of various demi races native to the Dream Realm.

At every intersection, streetlights cast their glow, illuminating the nocturnal streets. In this perpetual darkness, a black sun loomed in the sky, emanating a potent aura of Dream Power.

This was Walpurgis Night, the renowned headquarters of the witches. Once renowned throughout the world, the witches had retreated to the safety of the Dream Realm following the fall of their gods.

Souta observed the black sun, noting its similarity to Vanko's core but with a significantly greater intensity. Enveloping the entire city was a vast barrier, overlaid by a dense layer of Dream Power, all meticulously crafted to conceal Walpurgis Night from prying eyes.

"So that's why no one managed to discover them..." Souta mused silently.

He surmised that this infrastructure wasn't constructed by the present Walpurgis Night; rather, it must have been established during the faction's prime in bygone eras.

Presently, the group arrived at a colossal edifice. Inside, they were guided to a specific chamber.

Harlon addressed them, "Here we are. Dear guests, you are free to explore the city or remain here until the banquet. Just remember to attend tomorrow's festivities. If you have any inquiries, don't hesitate to seek me out at the reception."

With a gesture, he conjured a key, presenting it to them. "This key grants you access to your room," he explained before vanishing into the thin air.

"Let's enter the room first," Souta said, prompting Alice, Eilish, and Amanda to nod in agreement. They used the key to unlock the door and stepped inside, curious about what awaited them.

As they entered, they were struck by the spaciousness of the room, which appeared larger than its exterior suggested. The furnishings and amenities were neatly arranged, with small lights floating near the ceilings and a thin mist adding an ethereal touch to the atmosphere. The room also contained multiple compartments, including entertainment areas and other facilities.

"This is our room," Amanda murmured, taking in the surroundings.

"We're in a Dream Realm," Eilish remarked, walking over to a corner where she noticed a sticker on the wall. Curious, she touched it, causing it to enlarge and release a variety of food items. In an instant, a table filled with an array of dishes appeared beside her.

"Whoa! It's amazing! They really have powerful Dream Power," Eilish exclaimed, impressed by the magical display.

Souta scanned the room and suggested, "Let's check for any surveillance devices in this room. We can't afford to have our actions monitored. We need to be cautious."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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