Chapter 921 Battle at the Selnes Country: One after another

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The device lay in ruins, and Souta received a system notification confirming the completion of the quest.

'There have been numerous casualties, but in war, everyone must steel their hearts,' Souta reflected inwardly, his gaze fixed on the battlefield where the device once stood.

Red Mist also observed the same direction, her face graced by a smile. "It appears you were correct... They did indeed destroy the device."

Souta turned to her and remarked, "Judging by your expression, it seems the device wasn't your sole objective."

"Oh, is it that obvious?" Red Mist raised an eyebrow and ran her fingers across her face.

"Yeah, if that were the case, I would have fought you relentlessly just to destroy the device," Souta stated.

"Hmm... It seems you believe you could defeat me. Well, based on your strength, I'd say you stand a chance," Red Mist replied.

"I can defeat you, but it would likely exhaust me. So I've chosen to reserve my strength for now, as I'm uncertain about what may lie ahead," Souta replied.

"Then what about Boulder Jack?" Red Mist inquired.

"It's his fault. He pushed me into a corner, so I had no choice but to eliminate him," Souta explained.


A deafening sound reverberated through the area, causing both Souta and Red Mist to turn their heads. They witnessed a bluish-white flame erupting from the ground and soaring up to the ceiling of the barrier.

However, rather than raising the temperature, the area experienced a sudden drop in temperature. People in Zone 7 found themselves immobilized by the chilling cold that seeped into their bones and flesh.

Souta narrowed his eyes and muttered, "The frost flame... It seems that Adel is gradually revealing his abilities."

First, Shen Yao had shown her strength, and now Adel was unveiling his. Their true power was slowly emerging, as were the capabilities of their opponents.

Adel's opponent was Anti-Mage, a formidable individual capable of dismantling all spells. Meanwhile, Shen Yao found herself facing two opponents, Spatial Whisperer and Poisonous Vine. Poisonous Vine, while injured by Li Guan, still posed a significant threat, and the real challenge came from Spatial Whisperer, who possessed advanced space attribute techniques.

"So, what's your next move?" Souta inquired as he redirected his attention to Red Mist.

"Me? Nothing... I just need to keep you here. If you don't plan to attack me, then I'll simply observe. It's beneficial for me as it allows me to conserve my energy," Red Mist replied with a smile. She added, "As for the plan of our group's representatives, it's about to unfold in a matter of seconds."

"What do you mean?" Souta furrowed his brows.

"Just wait and observe," Red Mist said, gesturing toward the barrier.

Souta gazed upward. "Luckily, I've completed my preparations. I can go all out once the Tears of Divine Might appear," he thought.

He waited for thirty seconds before he noticed something.

"It's here... Have you noticed that no one has managed to exit the country ever since the device was broken?" Red Mist whispered.

Purple dots began to emerge on the barrier, rapidly spreading and turning the entire barrier into a shade of purple within moments. This transformation was accompanied by an eerie, glass-cracking sound.

Souta's eyes widened. He saw it.


A deafening noise resonated throughout the country, as if everything was on the brink of collapse.

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