Chapter 939 Battle at the Selnes Country: Battle for the Tears of Divine Might I

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"It looks imposing..." Eztein commented.

"Of course, it's a creation of our god, the Isolated Formation God," Erkigal said, stretching her hand cautiously to touch the stone monument.


A dazzling light burst forth from the point she touched, engulfing everyone before they could react.


When Erkigal opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. The surroundings were filled with volcanoes, their fiery streams mingling with dark, viscous liquid. The atmosphere was intensely hot, and an overwhelming energy pervaded the space.

Words and images flooded into her mind, seemingly from an unknown source she couldn't identify. She surmised it to be the legacy left by the Isolated Formation God—a repository of information for his people.

Next, Erkigal found herself in a chamber lined with books. At the table, a man sat, penning cryptic words in a notebook.

"The curse... The entity beyond... The curse is similar to the curse in Archetype. It prevented anyone from sharing information," the man mumbled, his voice carrying a sense of resignation. "I will die soon. I've laid down all the plans and I've found a loophole, but the curse is too strong. Imperium will not tolerate it."

Erkigal realized that the man she was observing was the Isolated Formation God himself.

"Hmm...?" The Isolated Formation God turned his head, detecting something. He closed his eyes briefly before reopening them, revealing surprise in his expression. "This... A part of my plan has succeeded. The curse will kill me, but it also distorts a portion of the monitoring system."

Standing up, he gazed directly at Erkigal's presence. "The monitoring system has been distorted due to the curse. I couldn't see you, but I can sense you... You're one of my people. Heed my words: do not dare to research anything about the so-called lost era. The era nineteen thousand years ago... Unless you've figured out a way to leave all the realities within the Imperium."

"Huh?! You can communicate with me, my lord!" Erkigal was astonished. This was a scene from a thousand years ago.

"I couldn't directly communicate with you, but I can sense your presence. Don't underestimate the means of your god, I'm different from other gods. The person standing before me is not you; it's Vanhel Windi. You're merely traversing through his memories, but I can detect if someone is prying into my existence," the Isolated Formation God clarified. "I can only leave behind memories for my people, as my own memories are too corrupted. Contact with them would result in your demise. The Windi, Flaem, Methal, Botano, and Darkna Clans are all cursed. I've left everything so that you can break it, but this curse will disappear along with the memories associated with it."

Erkigal squinted her eyes.

"I've committed a taboo...! Hmm? The curse is preventing me from speaking of it. The Imperium is dormant, and we are nearing the end. This is the final cycle. Utilize all the remnants I've left behind to begin anew, as you've shattered the All-Filter Barrier Formation."

"This barrier will purify all impurities. Your strength and memories will be affected too. Concerning your strength, I've already made preparations. You will regain it over time. However, the memories... I cannot handle that. It was only slightly opened, yet it caused immense destruction. The extermination of the Cosmic Signs thousands of years ago is linked to it. Head to the Frozen Continent after the Great Barrier has opened up if you wish to unravel more or seek out the No God Emperor in the Hall Plains."

The scene abruptly vanished, and Erkigal was overwhelmed by a severe headache.


She beheld a colossal and magnificent gate, fashioned from unknown metals, slightly ajar. A dense surge of dark energy emanated from it, while a viscous dark substance flowed across the ground.

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