Chapter 926 Battle at the Selnes Country: Fierce Battle

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The battle between Souta and Nine Yin had reached a level of intensity that was reshaping the very fabric of space itself. The platform they fought on trembled and cracked under the immense energy unleashed in their clashes. The purple flames and black holes added to the chaos, distorting the entire area.

Souta was fully focused on the battle, utilizing his vast combat abilities to counter Nine Yin's relentless attacks. He adapted his Blood Armor and combat tactics to the situation, constantly shifting and changing to gain an advantage. His sword strikes were precise and powerful, obliterating everything in their path.

The battle had become a cataclysmic event, altering the landscape and structures around them. The two powerful beings clashed with such intensity that they were causing a ripple effect in the space they fought in, creating a chaotic and unstable environment.

Souta realized that the battle was not going as he had anticipated. Nine Yin had surpassed his expectations, demonstrating an incredible level of speed and strength. The cracks in his armor and the blood seeping out were clear signs that he couldn't maintain a frontal clash with his opponent.

In a quick decision, Souta leaped to the side to evade Nine Yin's fiery attack. He reacted by using his unique abilities and tricks, strategically placing blood-red webs around the platform to set up defenses.

As the battle continued, Souta found himself thinking about the difficulty of the fight. He admitted that it was harder than he had initially thought. Even his gravitational force manipulation and other abilities were proving to be less effective than he hoped. Nine Yin's sheer power and determination were overwhelming, and it was evident that he was determined to keep Souta engaged in combat.

The platform had turned into a battleground of chaos, with devastating attacks and counterattacks leaving their marks. Souta knew that he had to adapt and find new strategies to gain the upper hand in this fierce duel.

Souta swiftly leaped to the side, narrowly evading the barrage of purple flames. Holding his sword tightly, he decided to take his combat abilities up a notch by activating his [Soul Blood Mode]. An intense rush of energy coursed through his body, significantly enhancing his overall stats. With this newfound power, he wasted no time and launched himself at Nine Yin while unleashing a barrage of spells.

"Monster!! You still have some aces up your sleeve!" Nine Yin grinned, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was well aware that battling the Blood Lightning Monster was no small feat, even for him.

Suddenly, an ominous presence tingled at the edge of his senses. He swiftly moved through the air, and his eyes locked onto a developing anomaly—a black hole was forming. Reacting instinctively, he swung his weapon aside without even glancing at it.


His weapon effortlessly sliced through a doppelganger, cleaving it into two. At that moment, Souta and Nine Yin collided, their figures flashing, and they crashed into the nearby pillars.


Nine Yin gritted his teeth, bracing his back against the wall. His weapons crossed in front of him, effectively blocking Souta's blade.

[Dark Swift Enhancement]

[Malice Vigor]

[Earth Dead End]

Nine Yin's strength surged as he utilized the equipment skills of his red-grade artifacts. He drove his knee into Souta's stomach, momentarily halting Souta's blade swing. At the last instant, he tilted his head to the side, narrowly avoiding Souta's deadly spider limbs attempting to pierce his head.

"The enhancement from my artifacts isn't enough to end this monster! Then, I will use my technique!"

Nine Yin quickly sidestepped and continued to clash with Souta, the two of them locked in fierce combat.

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