Chapter 912 Battle at the Selnes Country: Traitor

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Souta checked the system's timer and noted that there were only fifteen minutes left.

The [Burning Ring Seal] floated in front of him, and from it erupted a roaring sea of flames, surging toward the location of the device housing the Cancelling Rune.

The blazing conflagration streaked through the sky, capturing the attention of thousands of onlookers below.


Abruptly, a figure materialized before the approaching flames, extending both hands to envelop the inferno with a formidable energy, halting its advance.

The figure was a woman shrouded in a black cloak, beneath which she wore striking crimson attire. Her tall, imposing frame measured seven feet, and her red eyes burned with intensity. Long scarlet hair fluttered in the wind, and a dark blue beret, adorned with red jade, graced her head. Her hands were encased in gloves of a deep crimson hue.

Souta arched an eyebrow upon seeing the woman's arrival. "Red Mist... a name known far and wide, I presume. It's clear you won't allow me to destroy that device without a fight."

"Blood Lightning Monster, you stand no chance alone... With me guarding the device, you will not succeed," Red Mist responded with icy resolve.

Souta didn't immediately launch an attack. He recognized Red Mist's formidable reputation and understood her strength, even without witnessing her in combat. After all, she was famous like Anti Mage in the game. In this time period, she might be weaker, but she should still surpass Boulder Jack.

"Who said I'm handling this alone?" Souta replied with a smile, gesturing downward. "See those warriors down there? They're responsible for destroying that device. I can entrust that task to them. My role is to ensure you don't disrupt their mission."

Souta cast a brief glance at the system timer, realizing the gravity of the situation. 'If they can't destroy it, I'll do whatever it takes to ensure it's destroyed before the time runs out. However, it won't be easy with her in the way.' he thought.

Red Mist's lips curled into a faint smile as she responded, "Oh, so you intend to thwart me? I thought it was the other way around—that I was preventing you. After all, you've just defeated Boulder Jack. It seems you hold me in high regard."

Her long crimson hair billowed in the wind as her energy surged. Flames began to dance around her, and the temperature soared rapidly.


Alice led the charge with her spear as if it were a streak of lightning, piercing through the enemy ranks with lethal precision. Eilish remained at the rear, alongside other mages from the Athens' Champion, ready to unleash powerful spells when the opportune moment arose.

"We're closing in," Alice remarked as she cast a determined gaze ahead.

A colossal pillar of light stretched upwards, connecting to the barrier overhead, and it stood just a short two kilometers from their current position. While the distance seemed trivial given their formidable abilities, the enemies guarding it were bound to pose a formidable challenge.

"We'll break through their defenses," Alice declared resolutely. With a powerful sweep of her spear, she cut down enemies left and right, leaving them sprawled on the ground like fallen grass.

Leilus, Drami, Sekmet, Marcus, Paolo, and others trailed behind her, all now Shackled Realm experts in their own right. Their strength and battle-hardened experience allowed them to keep up with the intense combat. They had faced numerous life-and-death situations in the past, forging them into formidable warriors ready for this crucial battle.

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