Chapter 964 Rank 11 Sovereign

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"You've encountered the new Sovereign of the Ming Region?!" Yvun expressed surprise.

"Yes, My Lord. We're certain it was the new sovereign," Aorhen and Vabhron confirmed.

Yvun glanced at the three sovereigns beside him, then waved his hand, dismissing Aorhen and Vabhron.

After they left, Ohrno commented, "They survived even after encountering the new sovereign. It seems this new sovereign isn't bloodthirsty. As long as we don't provoke him, it appears he'll leave us alone."

"I wonder where such a powerful being came from. He appeared and replaced a sovereign seemingly out of nowhere. Could it be that he came from outside of Vanko?" Elio pondered aloud, looking at his comrades.

The land of Vanko was merely a small part of the Nightmare Realm, with countless lands and numerous powerful beings existing within it.

"It's possible. We didn't even know such a being existed until now," Mira nodded in agreement with Elio's assessment.

"If the new sovereign is from outside Vanko, then we need to pay him a visit and express our stance," Yvun suggested, looking at his comrades. "What do you think?"

"I'm on board," Elio agreed.

"If we could establish friendly relations with the new sovereign, it would benefit our race," Ohrno chimed in.

"I'll stay here to guard our land," Mira volunteered.

The lower-ranking sovereigns found themselves in a chaotic situation. The fall of the six sovereigns had sent shockwaves through various regions. Even those in the middle ranks were closely observing the situation in the lower ranks. Such occurrences were exceedingly rare, with six sovereigns falling simultaneously being unprecedented. Adding the incident in the Ming Region a month ago, a total of seven sovereigns had been replaced in a remarkably short span of time.

There were sixty-eight sovereigns in total, divided into three groups: the lower ranking, middle ranking, and top ranking. Those in the top ranking held ranks 1 to 20, while those in the middle ranking were ranked 21 to 40. Sovereigns above rank 40 were categorized as lower ranking.

In the Crane Zone's Red Sea Region, Souta surveyed the magnificent landscape before him. Dozens of floating islands hovered above, surrounded by cascading lava that flowed like a waterfall. On the ground, volcanoes erupted, spewing forth vast quantities of magma.

"Red Sea Region. Truly a spectacle," he remarked with a smile.

"So, are you planning to attack this place?" Saya inquired.

"It all depends on their response," Souta replied.

As the Rank 60 Sovereign, he felt it was the opportune moment to advance in rank. Seeking resources to augment his Dream Power was his primary goal, but if push came to shove, he was prepared to challenge the sovereign of this territory.

The Sovereign of the Red Sea Region held a position in the middle ranking, boasting considerable power. However, Souta had grown significantly stronger since his last encounter.

"Let's proceed," Souta declared, launching himself through the air until he landed on one of the floating islands. Scanning the area, he spotted a vibrant red lotus amidst the sea of molten rocks below.

The lotus emitted an unusual energy, creating a hazy atmosphere around it.

"It's here, albeit not fully ripe. Still, it's better than nothing. This could enhance the density of my Dream Power slightly," Souta mused, eyeing the lotus.

Carefully, he stepped across the molten rocks, approaching the lotus. As he reached out to pluck it, a sudden sound caught his attention from behind.

Turning around, Souta spotted a figure observing him intently.

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