Chapter one - trust exercise

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Disclaimer: I don't know what I'm doing. I've not planned this at all its literally like 11pm and I'm sat up on my phone send help
Anyways enjoy? I wrote this after a feverish chat so its probably gonna be shit. There'll likely be no actual smut but it will get suggestive (ill put warnings.)
Here we go. Get ready for a wild ride~


The battle against Heaven had been difficult, and Alastor had gotten hurt badly. As he went and had a musical breakdown in his radio tower, the rest of the hotel was rebuilt to perfection. Somewhere else in Hell the Vees stupidly celebrated Alastor re-fucking off (hopefully to ACTUALLY stay gone this time). And in Heaven, unbeknownst to everyone in Hell, Sir Pentious was redeemed, greeted by an excited Emily and a... Sera. Yknow.

Alastor returned, conveniently enough, after the hotel had been rebuilt, much to Husk and Lucifer's disappointment. Everyone else was glad to have him back, though.

A few weeks passed. Cherri Bomb regrettably did not decide to stay at the hotel, despite Angel's and Charlie's insistence that she should. She was still sore about Sir Pentious dying (if only she knew).

Angel and Husk were still being Angel and Husk. Not admitting anything but it was quite clear to everyone that there was definitely something between them, something special.

Alastor was the same as always. Tall, dark and creepy. He and Lucifer's rivalry was ongoing, much to Charlie's dismay.

"Would you two just fuck already?!" was something Angel Dust said on almost a daily basis.

On a Tuesday, the City was a little quiet. Alastor was returning from a visit with Rosie, they had an interesting chat as usual. He walked cheerfully down the street, humming a tune as sinners squeaked in terror and skulked off into the shadows of the alleyways. Their fear fuelled him.

He returned to the Hotel.
Charlie grinned upon his arrival.

"Alastor! Cmere, we're doing a trust exercise today!"

Alastor tried not to appear annoyed. Trust exercises were something he'd been managed to successfully avoid since Charlie decided they were a good idea a while back. There was no getting out of it this time though.

"Of course, dear! I'll be right there."

Charlie nodded and ran off again, her excitement radiating off of her as she bounded back towards Vaggie like an excitable deer. Perhaps Alastor could be her father, he thought, amusing himself.

When Alastor finally joined them, Charlie was stood before everyone with her hands clasped in front of her, a great beaming smile on her face.

"Alright. I have a new trust exercise today, because things have been... tense. Lately. Ahem."
She looked pointedly between Lucifer and Alastor. They both rolled their eyes like disobedient teenagers.

"So!" Charlie went on. "Today's exercise is... (Vaggie do the honours)"

Vaggie chuckled. "Trust falls again. Because the author isn't very creative."

Bitch. Anyway.

"However, because we have already done this, Charlie wanted to take it a step further."

Angel Dust raised his eyebrow. And so did some of you. (And so did I)

"We'll be doing them blindfolded. Where you're falling, who knows. Who's catching you, up to Charlie."

Vaggie gestured at her excitable girlfriend who was bouncing up and down on her toes like a child on Christmas morning.

"Yes! And, don't worry, you will be caught." Charlie said this matter-of-factly, in such a way that suggested you would suffer consequences if you didn't catch someone. She was good at being passive aggressive these days.

Angel Dust was up first. He put the blind fold on and struck a pose before folding his arms, one set over his chest and the lower set over his stomach, and falling backwards. Husker rushed to catch him and Angel took the blindfold off, smirking.

"History repeats itself~"
Husker grumbled in the most Husker-like way possible and put Angel's feet on the ground.
"Guess so." he said, which earned him a grin from Angel.

Lucifer went next. He ran a hand through his blonde hair, a little nervous, not wanting to do anything wrong in front of Charlie. He stepped onto the stage feeling a bit anxious.
"Do I need to...?" he started, but Charlie held up her finger.
"Yes, dad, its part of staying at the Hotel. Cmon. Pleeeaase?"
Charlie's puppy dog eyes worked on Lucifer just as well as they worked on Vaggie. He smiled and nodded, placing the blindfold on.

He leaned backwards, crossing his arms over his chest as Angel Dust had done.

He was in the air for all of about a second before a pair of cosy, welcoming arms caught him. He ran through the Hotel residents and staff in his head and couldn't think of anyone who showed as much tenderness as the arms that caught him. He felt safe. Comfortable. Secure. And whoever it was smelled amazing. They smelled like... like cedarwood and open fires. Warm. He reached his hand up to take off his blindfold...

But before he could take off the blindfold to see who it was, they placed him on his feet on the floor, ever-so-gently.

He took off the blindfold. Charlie clapped her hands in front of her happily but Lucifer just felt confused.

And like he wanted that person to hold him again.

"Uh... who caught me?"


Wouldn't you like to know?
Anyways, that's all my limited imagination is giving me right now, so I hope you enjoyed and until next time!
(What schedule? I don't know when I'll publish the next one. Idek when I'll write the next one?)

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