Chapter 13

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As Lucy Chen sat in the court room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety and fear. It had been a few months since the horrific incident at her schools winter formal, but the memories were still fresh in her mind. She glanced over at her boyfriend, Tim Bradford, who was sitting next to her. Despite the tough exterior he usually portrayed, Lucy could see the worry and sadness in his eyes as well. After all, he had been by her side throughout the entire ordeal.

Lucy took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to push away the bad memories. She remembered how excited she had been for the winter formal, the first dance with her boyfriend, Tim. She had spent hours getting ready, pick out the perfect dress and doing her hair and makeup. But her excitement turned to horror when she suddenly collapsed on the floor.

The next thing she remembered was waking up in a hospital bed, surrounded by worried faces. It wasn't until later that she found out what had happened to her. Marley, one of her bullies, had injected her with a fentanyl syringe during the dance. While partygoers thought she was having a good time, she was actually fighting for her life. Marley had been arrested and was now standing trial for her actions.

The thought of seeing Marley again sent a shiver down Lucy's spine. She remembered all the times Marley and her friends had tried to torment her, and trying to make her life a living hell. And now she was facing serious charges for almost killing her. She couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction at the thought of Marley finally getting what she deserved.

The courtroom was bustling with activity as everyone waited for the hearing to begin. The judge took his seat and the courtroom fell silent. Marley, looking completely different without her usual group of friends by her side, was brought in by a guard and placed in the defendant's seat. Lucy's heart raced as she looked at her attacker. Marley's eyes were downcast, avoiding eye contact with the people in the room.

The prosecutor began with the charges against Marley. Lucy listened as the litany of charges was read out loud. Possession of illegal drugs, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder. Lucy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Marley was only 15 years old and she was already facing such serious charges. at he prosecutor explained how Marley had planned the attack on Lucy, how she had obtained fentanyl and carefully injected it into her unsuspecting victim.

As the prosecutor called her to the stand, Lucy took a deep breath and walked to the front of the courtroom. She recounted the details of that faithful night, how she remembered feeling dizzy and disoriented before collapsing. She described the pain and anguish she had gone through and the fear she still felt every time she thought about what could have happened to her.

Tim took a stand next, tears in his eyes as he described how scared he had been when he Lucy collapse. He talked about how he had stayed by her side in the hospital, praying for her to wake up. He also shared with the court how his girlfriend's heart was permanently damaged and she would need to monitor it for the rest of her life.

The defence attorney tried to paint Marley as a troubled teenager who didn't know what she was doing. But as more witnesses were called, it became clear that Marley was not a victim, but a bully, who took joy in causing people harm to others. Finally, it was time for the judge to make a decision.

After all the evidence that had been presented, the judge took a moment to deliberate. Lucy looked over to Tim, holding his hand tightly as they waited for the verdict. She couldn't believe that was about to find out the fate of the person who had almost ended her life.

With a solemn expression, the judge declared that Marley was found guilty on all charges and would be sentenced to 10 years in juvenile detention. Lucy let out a sigh of relief, while Marley broke down in tears. She was led out of the courtroom, her face filled with regret and sadness.

As Lucy and Tim walked out of the courthouse hand in hand, she couldn't help but feel a sense of closure. While she may never be able to fully recover, she knew that justice had been served.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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