Chapter 11

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The group arrived at the dance. The couples went their separate ways. Lucy pulled Tim into a dark empty classroom. She shut the door and wrapped her arms around Tim's neck before kissing him.

Tim- "mm Luce what's that for?"

Lucy- "You're really handsome and I love you."

Tim- "I love you too"

They made out for a few minutes before going out into the gym as the music was starting. The big lights were off, leaving coloured lights and other flashing disco lights.  Tim and Lucy were in their own little word together in the middle of the gym dancing. Nyla and James were in the photo booth together. Angela and Wesley were behind the bleachers making out. John and Bailey were at the snack bar, per John's request. Aaron and Celina were in a corner of the gym.

Aaron- "I have something for you"

Celina- "Aaron you didn't have to. I don't need anything"

Aaron pulled a diamond bracelet and small card out of his pocket.

~Celina talking to you has been great. I really like you and I love spending time with you. You are beautiful, smart, funny, and caring. I could go on and on describing you, but you'd be reading the list forever because it's never ending. Will you be my girlfriend?~

Celina had tears of joy flowing from her eyes as she nodded her head and wrapped her arms around him. Aaron put the bracelet on Celina's wrist.

After dancing for a while with her boyfriend, Lucy decided to go find Angela. As she was walking a girl bumped into her. She felt a pinch, but thought nothing of it. As she took a few more steps, she became dizzy and her legs started to give out. She made it into the hall way before she passed out.

••In the gym••

Tim was looking for Angela because Lucy said she would only be gone for a minute. Before he could find his friend, Marley walked up to him.

Marley- "Hi Tim"

Tim tried to push past her but she pulled his arm and tried to kiss him. He pushed her away and she almost fell on her back. He finally found Angela.

Tim- "Where's Lucy? She said she was finding you."

Angela- "She was never here"

Tim- She's been gone for 10 minutes."

Angela- "Let's find her."

••In the hall••

Bailey wanted to get some air, so she was going to step outside for some air. She got into the hallway and almost immediately tripped over someone. She looked down and saw Lucy. 

Her mom is a firefighter, so she used what she was taught to try and save her friends life despite the worry that she was feeling. She got down on her knees and checks for a pulse. She was unconscious with no pulse. As she was starting CPR, Angela and Tim walked through the gym doors. 

Bailey- "I need someone to call an ambulance. Lucy is unconscious and she doesn't have a pulse."

Bailey was still doing compression for 5 minutes before she felt a faint pulse. The rig showed up and rushed Lucy to the hospital, with Tim and Angela in the back. Angela had called her mom to meet them at the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Lucy was taken into the ICU and checked out. Tim was in the waiting room and Angela ran to the bathroom. She was having a panic attack, she hasn't stopped having them since her friend was attacked a week ago.

Angela's mom was sitting in the waiting room with Tim. She gave Angela some time alone. The doctor walked up to Mary and Tim.

Mary- "How is she?"

Dr- "It seems that she had fentanyl in her system. We had to put her on a vent. Her breathing wasn't as good as we would. I noticed that she had 3 broken ribs as well that were healing, but due to the CPR that was preformed, she completely broke them again and it'll take longer to heal this time. like. She was without oxygen for a while, so we don't know when or if she will wake up. Does she have any history of drug abuse?"

Mary- "No she would never. There's got to be another reason."

Tim- "There's this girl at school, her name is Marley. She's jealous of our relationship. She's friends with Lucy's old bully, Talia. Talia is the reason she had surgery last week. It has to be because of her."

Dr- "Injection is possible. If there was a way she could have been injected by a syringe, it's very possible."

Mary- "I'll call the police and see if they can get footage from the cameras"

Dr- "Would you like me to take you guys up to the ICU?"

Mary- "Yes let me just get my daughter real quick. She ran to the bathroom."

Mary goes to the bathroom to get her daughter. Angela, Mary, and Tim head up to Lucy's room. When they walked into the room, they weren't expecting to see her like that. She looked lifeless. She was so still, arms down to her sides, connected to a vent.

As the days went on, Lucy still hadn't woken up. They were finally able to get the camera footage and found out that Marley had injected her. She had been locked up awaiting sentencing. Lucy's friends would come by everyday after school and stay all day during the weekend. It had only been a week, but it felt like an eternity.

Another week had gone by. At this point it had been 2 weeks since she was injected with fentanyl. There was still no changes. She was still connected to the vent. Angela and her mom were the only ones at the hospital. It was a Monday, but Angela had been staying at the hospital.

Angela was sitting there next to Lucy's hospital bed in a char. As she was talking to her friend, Lucy's machine started to beep. Doctors came rushing in. "SHES CODING" "START CPR" "GIVE ME THE PADDLES" "CHARGE TO 200" "CLEAR"

Angela was still. She wasn't breathing. She refused to breathe until Lucy was okay.

Will Lucy survive? ell_3552

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