Chapter 8

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As they were going into the second week of school, Lucy still hadn't been face to face with Talia yet. She hadn't eaten in 2 weeks and it was starting to become noticeable. She changed the way she dressed to be able to hide the bruises. Tim and every single one of her friends could tell she lost her sparkle. In their eyes she has always been perfect, but they can tell that something is seriously wrong.

The day started off normally. Lucy was just happy that she didn't have to deal with Talia on top of everything else that she had been going through these last couple of weeks. She was growing sadder and sadder by the day. All she wanted was to stop lying to her friends, but she was afraid. She was punched in the face by her father once again last night. Lucy had to cover it up. Normally she would hide out somewhere at school to cry, but if she does that, her tears will wash away the concealer.

People kept asking her if everything was okay. Eventually she couldn't handle it anymore and ran out of the classroom into the bathroom. Angela got up without asking and ran after Lucy. After following her in, she checked the stalls to make sure no one was in there before locking the main door. "Please tell me what's wrong. You've been acting different for 2 weeks. Is it your parents?" Angela pleaded.

As soon as Angela mentioned her parents, Lucy started hyperventilating. Because Lucy's body was weak from not eating, she couldn't catch her breath and ended up passing out. Angela caught her friend and brought her into her own lap. She held her and stroked her hair until she woke up. Angela had tears streaming down her face while stroking her hair, but as soon as Lucy started to wake up, she wiped them off.

Lucy- "What happened"

Angela- "You fainted. You need to tell me what's going on."

Lucy- "Nothings going on"

Angela- "Don't make me get an adult. I don't want to do that to you Lucy." she said with tears streaming down her face.

Lucy tried to comfort her, but Angela pulled away.

Angela- "No. You don't get to do that."

Lucy- "Do what?"

Angela- "Act different. Lie to me by telling me everything's fine and then pass out in my arms. You were hyperventilating. I'm scared Lucy."

Lucy- "I'm sorry for scaring you."

Angela- "I don't need you to be sorry. I just need the truth."

Lucy- "I can't-"

Angela- "You can't or you won't?"

Lucy- "They will kill me"

Angela- "What are you talking about? Your parents?"

As Lucy started hyperventilating again just from the word "Parents" Angela tried to hold her to ground her so she wouldn't pass out again. Angela was scared and she doesn't even know the extent to what is happening. Lucy started to calm down.

Angela- "Please tell me what's going on. I won't let anything happen to you."

Lucy- "I'm scared Ang"

Angela- "I know, but I'll protect you. All of us will."

Lucy- "2 weeks ago. That week before school that we hung out. My parents showed up not too long after you guys got there. They told me that they are back. They punched me. They have continued to do so everyday. The day I had all those missed calls and texts, he had knocked me in the face and I was left unconscious. That's why I didn't answer all day. That's why I've been wearing the things that I have."

Angela- "I'm gonna help you get out of there. Can I see the marks?"

Lucy took her shirt and pants off as the bathroom was still locked. She was left with a bra and underwear on. She began to take a wet paper towel and wipe off all the concealer from her body and face. She looked at Angela through the mirror and tears began to fill in her eyes. Angela rubbed her thumb over one of Lucy's bruisers before turning her around and hugging her.

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