Chapter 2

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John, Celina, and Lucy arrived at her house. They went upstairs and picked out bikinis. John picked out swim trunks. Lucy and Celina got changed in her room while Nolan changed in the bathroom. Lucy came out in a a bright red swimsuit that matched her Tuscan tan coloured skin perfectly. Celina walked out in a midnight blue coloured bikini that matched her skin as well. She wasn't much lighter than Lucy. Her skin was fairly coloured. Her beautiful Tan brown coloured skin. John was mesmerised by Lucy. He had liked her for a while now, but never had the courage to tell her. They packed some snacks, sunscreen, towels, water, and some sunglasses. 10 minutes later they headed off. Lucy was going to be blinded by the popular group that are going to be there when the three of them walk towards the beach. The beach wasn't that far, maybe a 20 minute walk from Lucy's house. They arrived at the beach and went to go put their towels down. They still hadn't been in site of the popular group. They all took their top covers off of them and only their bikinis were showing. John decided he wanted to stay at the towels and Tan. Celina and Lucy held hands as they walked towards the water. Lucy wasn't sure of her sexuality. She has been questioning it for a while. Celina on the other hand wasn't confused. She knew she was bisexual, and if she was to be honest with herself, she'd realised that she has feelings for Lucy. Lucy knew something was weird because she loved her friends in a friend way, more so in a family way, but not Celina. She didn't love her in a friend or family way. She had been denying her feelings for Celina. They got into the water and stayed very close to each other. Lucy had Her hands on Lucy's waist and Lucy had her arms wrapped around Celina's neck. This was a normal occurrence for them though. They had always been super close. Everyone including them just thought it was because they are best friends, but they weren't exactly right. Will they ever realise their feelings? A few minutes later Lucy decided she wanted to have some fun and continuously splash water into Celina's face. Celina went under water until Lucy couldn't see her. She swam behind Lucy and grabbed her ankles. She then came above water and tried to pull her under with her. After a few minutes of splashing. Lucy came back above water and stood in front Celina. Celina. stood behind Lucy. She wrapped her arms around Lucy's waist and whispered in her ear.

Celina- "I have something that I need to tell you."

Lucy Turned around and stared at her. Lucy asked what she wanted to tell her. There was a gap in between them.

Celina- "This is going to be difficult for me to say and probably difficult for you to process."

Lucy- "Okay?"

Celina- "I have f-" as she was talking. she got cut off by Talia.

Talia- "Oh look who it is ugly fat girl and her friend."

Lucy- "Look i'm done dealing with you insecure ass. I try to be nice, but you stay running your mouth all day long. First in Spanish, then English and Math. Lunch wasn't even the final time because here we are again. Let's get out of the water and settle this a different way."

Lucy's body was completely underwater, so nobody could see her shape.

Talia- "Okay let's do it but your ass is gonna be black and blue when we are done."

They get out of the water. Celina, Angela, Nyla, and Tim walking behind. Angela, Nyla, and Tim are confused as they hadn't heard Talia say anything to Lucy all day. Tim is mesmerized by how gorgeous Lucy is. Angela and Nyla are talking about how beautiful she is. Celina is checking her out and getting ready for if she has to step in.

They start fighting and Talia couldn't get one punch in before Lucy had her on the ground. Celina eventually had to pull Lucy off her.

Angela- "Lucy is it? You are so beautiful"

Nyla- "Yes you are."

Lucy- "Thank you guys. Even if you're trying to be nice. I know how Talia is and I don't want to associate with those kinds of people"

Lucy and Celina walk back towards John.

John- "What was happening over there?"

Lucy- "Talia" she said as she rolled her eyes.

Hours went by and Celina and John ended up staying at Lucy's house  They woke up and Lucy got changed into Black Nike sweatpants and a black long sleeved-crop-top. She put her curly hair into a messy bun and put her nike slides on. They all headed out the door and into school.  The video of her fighting Talia started to get views and get around to every student in that school. Lots of people came up to Lucy and became friends with her. Talia kept trying to bully Lucy, but it didn't work.

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