Chapter 1

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Bailey, John, Tamara, and Celina are Lucy's friend group. They have known each-other since 2nd grade. Will their friend group stay together or will the dynamic change? Talia is the biggest bully in the school. She's the most popular girl in school and part of the popular group. Angela, Nyla, and their boyfriends are apart of the popular kids along with Tim. Lucy and her friend group are freshman's. The popular kids are sophomore's.

Her parents weren't there. Honestly they were never really home. They didn't care for Lucy. They didn't care what she did or if anything would happen to her. Lucy got ready for her first day of high-school. She got up early to make breakfast for herself... She then went back to her room and put on a pair of black leggings and knitted red sweater. She slid on her Air Jordan 1's, grabbed her book bag, and headed out the door. The school wasn't far from her house, and her parents were never there, so she just walked to school. Lucy is a very pretty girl. She has long naturally curly black hair. Hazel eyes. The green in her eyes show more than the brown. She has a perfect body and an even more beautiful face, her radiant skin. She was darker than anyone else in her friend group. but there will always be that one insecure person who finds happiness in putting other people down. 

Lucy found her friends outside. They all walked together through the big doors of the highschool. They were excited, but also very nervous. Celina will always defend and protect her friends. No matter the consequences. Celina and Lucy have a lot of classes together. The rest of their friends only had lunch with them. They were disappointed, but they knew that it would be okay. Celina and Lucy's first class is spanish. She doesn't need to take the class as she is already fluent in Spanish. When she walked into her class she seen the most popular boy in school. Tim Bradford. Not only is he popular, but he is the hottest boy in the entire high-school.  As she walked into the class, someone she didn't know stopped her.

UK- "Just a fair warning. The most popular girl is in there and she isn't nice. Watch your back."

Lucy- "Thanks"

They walk into their class and take a seat. 5 minutes later the teacher starts talking. Her name is Lily Wilson.

Lily- "Okay everyone. Since it's the first day of school. We are going to be going around the class saying you're name and something you like doing. Let's start with you." she said as she pointed to Celina.

Celina- "I'm Celina Juarez and I box competitively.

Lily- "Very interesting. Now let's go counter clock wise."

Talia- "I'm Talia Bishop and I'm the most popular girl in school.

The teacher rolled her eyes and told everyone to continue.

Tim- "I'm Tim Bradford and I want to join the Army and after that become an officer.

Lily- "I love that answer"

Angela- "I'm Angela Lopez and I will put a curse on anyone who tries to test me."

Nyla- "I'm Nyla Harper and I box as-well."

Everyone else introduces themselves until they get to Lucy.

Lucy- "I'm Lucy Chen I speak 6 languages and i'm going to be a detective." she said with a beautiful smile on her face. She has bright white straight teeth. A beautiful smile.

Lily- "That is interesting. What languages do you speak?"

Lucy- "Spanish, Italian, German, French, and ASL."

Lily- "Estoy deseando ser tu profesor este año. Aunque estoy seguro de que no lo necesitas."

Lucy- "Yo también, señora. Aunque ya hablo seis idiomas con fluidez. Me intriga ver cómo va este año"

Lily- "I'm impressed. Not only that you are fluent is 6 languages, but you are so well mannered and are well spoken. It's rare to see that in teenagers these days."

Talia rolled her eyes and smiled because she now seen a target.

Tim stared at her the entire class. He thought she is so beautiful..

3 long classes later it was now lunch. Talia walked up to Lucy as she was getting her food.

Talia-"Haha you are so ugly. Lose some weight new girl."

Lucy turned around and looked Talia up and down.

Lucy- "I'm not ugly and I love my body. I know what you want me to do, but you aren't gonna get the reaction you are looking for."

Talia- "What do you think i'm looking for fatty?"

Lucy- "One of two things. You either want me to retaliate and snap back at you or you want me to burst down in tears and run away."

She then looked over at Angel, Nyla, and Tim. She looked then up and down and turned back towards Talia while smiling. she started talking again.

Lucy- "Since you aren't gonna get the reaction you are looking for. I suggest you turn around and go back to the table you were sat at before you came over here trying to put me down because you are insecure."

Talia rolled her eyes and walked back over to her group.

Angela- "What was that all about."

Talia- "New girl things she's pretty. I tried to set her straight but she called me insecure can you believe that."

Angela and Nyla side eyed each-other before sarcastically saying no. Tim on the other hand didn't say anything. His eyes still fixated on Lucy.

Talia- "Tim what are you looking at?"

Tim- "What? Nothing."

Talia- "Right so do the three of you want to go to the beach after school?"

All three of them agreed. hours later school started to end.

Lucy- "Hey guys  do you want to go to the beach?"

Celina- "Definitely"

Bailey- "I wish I could."

John- "Yes. I need time away from my crazy mom."

Tamara- "I can't."

Lucy- "Okay. Maybe next time Bailey?"

Bailey- "for sure. You guys have fun. I have to go home now."

Tamara- "Me too."

Tamara and Bailey go home.

Lucy- "Oh and John. If you ever need to get away from your mom, you can always stay at my house for however long you need."

John- "Your parents wouldn't mind?"

Lucy- "They are literally never home. I'm pretty sure they are leasing a different house for themselves. My brother sends me money for bills."

John- "Thank you."

Lucy- "Of course anytime. Do you guys want to walk to mine? There is swim trunks and bikinis at my house."

Celina- "Let's go"

The three of them headed off to Lucy's house.

The Rookie HighschoolDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora