Chapter 10

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It was Sunday, the night before the winter formal. Lucy had informed Tim that she wanted to go to the dance with him. As the day went on at the park with all of her friends, the girls planned to get ready at Angela's. Mary would do the girls hair, while Nyla's mom would do their makeup. The guys would get ready at Wesley's house. The later it got, everyone decided to go home to sleep, so they would be ready for tomorrow.

It was Monday morning, the day of the dance. Everyone had arrived at school. Lucy found Tim in the cafeteria, where he said he would be waiting for her. As she was walking in she seen a group of girls walk up to him. She wasn't close enough to hear the conversation.

Marley- "Hey Tim. You look cute at always. I know it's short notice, but would you go to the dance with me?"

Tim- "No" he said as he shook his head.

Marley- "If you are already going with someone, i'm sure she wouldn't mind giving you up." she said as she tried to touch him, but he dodged her.

As soon as Lucy seen the girls start to touch him, she walked up being him and put her arms around his chest.

Marley- "Don't touch him"

Lucy- "You ready to head to class babe?" she said as she ignored the girls.

Tim turned around and kissed Lucy before standing up and taking her hand in his, interlacing their fingers while walking to class. The girl stood there embarrassed, but still crushing over Tim and willing to do anything for Tim to be with her. She knew what she had to do.

Since it was Lucy's first day back since surgery, they had agreed that someone from the friend group will be with her at all times until they go on winter break.  Tim would be with her for 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th. Angela would be with her for 2nd. Wesley and James would be with her for 4th  and 6th and everyone would be with her for lunch.

Since it was approaching winter break, they weren't really doing anything in class besides watching a movie. They were allowed to sit and talk with their friends, so Lucy and Tim went to the back of the class. Tim sat on the floor and Lucy laid her head down on him. He stroked her hair and she ended up falling asleep on him.

During second hour Lucy needed to use the bathroom. Angela went with her. When they were in the bathroom, Lucy complained about her ribs being sore. Angela took Lucy to the nurse to get some ice, before they headed back to class.

For 3rd period the couple talked about any and everything.

At lunch, the group took a seat outside. They decided to skip eating and took a seat outside along the wall of the school. Lucy sat in Tim's lap. Angela leaned into Wesley with his arm over her shoulder. Nyla was laying her head on James's lap. Bailey leaned into John, and Celina was sitting in Aaron's lap. Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy saw the same girl from this morning walking over.

Lucy- "Tim"

Tim- "Luce" he said with his head burrowed into her neck.

Lucy- "That girl from this morning is walking over."

Tim- "Ignore her." he said as he lifted his head up and planted a kiss on her lips before putting his head back down into her neck.

Marley- "Hey guys"

Angela- "What do you want Marley" she said rolling her eyes.

Marley- "I wanted to steal Tim for a minute"

Angela, Celina, Nyla, and Bailey stood up and crossed their arms in from of Marley.

Nyla- "He's busy" she said sternly.

Marley- "He's right there doing nothing."

Angela- "We said he's busy."

Marley- "That girl is stealing him from me"

Tim stood up with Lucy in his arms, not wanting to get of her.

Tim- "First of all, Lucy and I have been together for a year. Second, none of here like you in any type of way, so leave us alone or you'll regret it."

Marley- "Is that a threat?"

Angela- "No, but it's a promise"

Market ended up storming away.

Over the course of 4th period, James and Wesley stood behind her like bodyguards anytime someone came up to her. When no one came up to her, the three of them talked.

5th period was the same as 3rd with Tim.

6th period was calm, along with 7th.

After school the guys parted ways with the girl and headed to Wesley's house.

After school, the girls arrived at Angela's house with their dresses. After they came in, they greeted Angela and Lucy with hugs. The girls decided to eat before putting their dresses on. After 2 hours all four of the girl's hair was done, so Nyla's mom could get started on their makeup. The dance started at 7 and it was currently 5. They managed to have their makeup finished and were ready to walk out the door by 6:30

••The guys••

The guys sat around and watched football while they ate. They started getting ready at 5 as they didn't have as much to do as the girls. All the guys did their hair after putting their suits on. By time they were ready they looked and smelled great. They headed over to Angela's house, which was right down the road from Wesley's.


They arrived and had a bunch of photos taken before heading to the dance.

••With Marley after school••

She knew what she had to do to try and win Tim over. She had driven over to one of her friend's houses and knocked on the door.

"Hey Marley"

Marley- "Hey. I need your help."

"What do you need help with?"

Marley- "I like Tim, but he's dating that Lucy girl."

"I can help you with that. What were you thinking?"

Marley- "Anything for him to be with me"

"I have these syringes we can inject into her"

Marley- "What's in them?"


Marley- "Won't that kill her?"

"You said you'd do anything. It'll kill her if they can't get to her in time. Which they won't. She'd  have to be very lucky to survive."

Marley- "Let do it. Meet me in the janitor closet during the dance"

"See you in a couple of hours"

What's going to happen? Is Lucy going to die? Who's Marley's friend?

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