Chapter Fourteen

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"Hello, Ms. Brooke" Dr. Collins stands up and shakes Sadie's hand.

"Hi, um, Dr. Collins?" Sadie guesses.

"yes, ma'am" Dr. Collins nods.

"please, call me Sadie" Sadie requests.

"of course, Sadie" Dr. Collins says. "would you like anything to drink or anything you want to mention before we start?"

"um, yeah..." Sadie starts.

"I've never had a therapy session before" Sadie admits, sheepishly.

Dr. Collins gives her a warm smile "you'd be surprised by how many people tell me that"

"so... it's not a problem?" Sadie asks.

"by coming to therapy, it means you're open to my advice, and that's all I need of you" Dr. Collins assures.

"okay" Sadie says, fidgeting with her hands.

"are you nervous?" Dr. Collins asks.

"a little" Sadie exhales, sitting down on the couch.

"you can lay down if you want" Dr. Collins offers.

"oh, no thank you, I just did my hair" Sadie responds.

"of course, I completely understand" Dr. Collins chuckles before sitting in her own chair across from the couch.

"so, Sadie, I know why you're here, and you know why you're here, but why don't you tell me just to make sure that there isn't any miscommunication" Dr. Collins encourages.

"right, um, my fiancee Tim Bradford set up this session to discuss our polyamorous relationship" Sadie explains.

"exactly" Dr. Collins nods. "and you understand that I'll do an individual session with Tim and Lucy and then we'll do a group session together?"

"yes" Sadie nods.

"However, if there's any information you don't want me to tell Tim and Lucy, I won't, unless it's about someone hurting you, you wanting to hurt someone, or you wanting to hurt yourself" Dr. Collins continues.

"yup" Sadie responds.

"okay, Sadie, so I know this is about your relationship but I want to learn about you first, let's start with your childhood and go from there" Dr. Collins prompts.

"alright, I was born in New York City to a single father, um, my mom died giving birth to me and my dad was in the Army so I moved in with my aunt. My childhood was like any other, I loved to skate board and I helped out at my aunt's little restaurant in New York, I lived in a two bedroom apartment" Sadie lists.

"do you feel guilty about your mother dying giving birth to you?" Dr. Collins asks.

"sometimes, yeah, but my dad and aunt... they never resented me for it, they still treated me as a gift from above" Sadie replies.

"lately, have you ever felt guilty about it?" Dr. Collins questions.

"um, yeah, a few weeks ago, I talked to Tim about it and he helped my mind see reason that I couldn't have done anything and it wasn't my fault" Sadie says.

"so you feel comfortable talking with Tim about your thoughts?" Dr. Collins tilts her head.

"yeah, he-... he's kind of closed off to people who don't know him but there's something-... something about his bluntness and honesty that makes him really easy to talk to... because you know he's being honest, it's comforting" Sadie explains.

"and what about Lucy?" Dr. Collins asks.

"um, with Tim I feel like I can get good solid advice from him, but with Lucy... I kinda always feel like I'm being psychoanalyzed" Sadie admits.

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