All hail Satan

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Somewhere in a dark place it looked like a typical summon the devil ritual. Men in robes Satan esc pentagrams a ring of candles and a woman being sacrificed tied up and blindfolded. And the men in robes chanting some kind mystic mumbo jumbo. They didn't need to do all of this to summon Lucifer all they needed was the hot blonde. While Lucifer would love that she was blindfolded cause it was kinky and sexy or so he would think he would be disappointed in the rest of them because they were trying to get him there for some reason and were gonna kill someone for the devil. The only part of that I understood was something something Lucifer before the main leading man of the black robes took a ritual knife and stabbed her in the heart or whatever. 

They had her dressed in white as they carried her but then someone started running their fingers over her and she started smiling saying it was hot and the guy that it was he was stereotypical emo he actually looked kind of like a member from KISS. So at least she wasn't really dead. At least not currently and I hoped she wouldn't be. They started to kiss and he asked if she wanted to make this hotter as he scooped her up in his arms. He said make it hotter for the real Lucifer but she was confused when he said that. He told her to trust him as she laid back down and then he lowered her blindfold again. He tightened her binding and walked away she got scared thinking this wasn't funny anymore. She got herself free just in time to see a dagger plunge down at her. And then next Maze had out her knives her own daggers. She had us sitting in chairs trying to hit us trying to hurt us but nothing she did was working. But they kind of just bounced off at us not even leaving a scratch so it ruled out iron.

He told her to try the copper but as he bent down she threw something else at us and it flew out the window. She felt we knew exactly what was making us vulnerable and I had suggested that from the beginning. Told us it was Luke and Chloe she should be throwing daggers at. But she was kind of sorta friends with Luke and would never hurt me like that and I'd told her I would never forgive her and attempt to cut her if she hurt him. Had it not been for the mark on my arm she finally gave me she'd roll her eyes and say yeah right but there was no telling what I would actually do or not do because Lucifer and I don't lie but sometimes people don't take me seriously. I often surprise us all by the things I say like how when she met me because Luci called me his princess she called me princess and I tried to kill her she didn't want to teach me how to fight and now I'm just as good as she is though it's best for me to keep up appearances. We had to wonder now that we were confirming it once and for all what they could be hiding though it seemed it was in fact the one thing that could hurt us maybe there were more.

Lucifer felt maybe it was possible Chloe and Luke were simply just cogs in a bigger machine. She said he was in denial and if he really thought she could hurt either of us with them he wouldn't let her throw them at him much less me that she knew he'd never let anything hurt his precious little princess of a sister. You know that you're really testing your loyalties and faith in him by letting him do this? She asked me pointing a knife at me. I know but I trust him and I have faith in him and I trust you Maze because I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. But then she threw a demon dagger at us and he caught it in his hand. Very funny demon daggers forged in Hell don't count throw if you dare throw this at her or try to use it on her like you did me again I will end you myself though his words were dark his face was not. She could've very well had stopped it herself if she tried as if I want to use my good weapon on her. We all know those as he said his words not mine "prick" as in cut. Speaking Lucifer approached her.... How is our brother? 3 weeks of a whole lot of this? How do you think he's doing? You're not going steady Maze he scoffed at her. You're getting close to him for a reason. He reminded her as if she needed the reminder.

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