Sounds like the set up to a bad joke

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Tonight at Lux we had a pizza delivery person come to the club he road the elevator up to where the party was at and was of course very surprised to see what he saw when he stepped off the elevator coming face to face with Lucifer himself surrounded by a bunch of other party goers. Dancing loud music people making out. Lucifer hands the guy wads of money saying that should cover the food he ordered and as the guy is about to leave he turns to the pizza delivery guy and asks him how many times this happens to him coming to the end of his shift like in those internet videos where his night ends with him having sex? My guess was not very often. Where was he going with this? If I know my brother and I do he was probably going to invite the pizza guy to stay for the rest of the party.

Come in come in he greets once the man tells him never. Why was Lucifer surprised by this? The guy tells Lucifer he was still on the clock but he wraps his arm around him and says that he always would be but he'd never get another chance like this then runs into a couple blonde women all named Britney and intros them to each other. Well go on he encourages go have fun. The Britney's pull the pizza guy forward into their welcoming embrace as Lucifer walks on. They offer him to come join him he claimed he'd be there soon but when we arrive next at Linda's he's laying across the couch stretched out I told him not to put his feet on me but he never listens so I sat and rolled my eyes. He had been very upset probably about Maze because he never did actually join them and I didn't really feel like bothering him even about trivial sisterly things like the way he was stretched out giving me little to no room to sit with him. I didn't want to upset him more by annoying him or bothering him by him bothering me.

He asked her why he didn't join them and Linda asked him why he didn't. Which is the problem. He started sitting up as I ducked my head. Watch out Luci. I whined at him. That's why I'm paying you so much money that's for you to figure out he told her. She wondered if he ever thought that his excessive partying was an attempt to fill a void. You even make your sister stay down on that level with you she could be in her room where it's quiet. No that's where you've got it all wrong Dr. she never leaves my side and I could never ask her to unless I was angry. But never at her. I made her friend Luke escort her to her bedroom and stay with her when I got mad at Maze and when I came to send Luke home she had fallen asleep of course but she had been crying and not because she was sad because she was scared. And it was my fault. While I used my devil face on them to make them go away when I was angry with Maze I didn't miss the fact she flinched and how Luke didn't. Luke had never seen me do that before my sister more times than anyone. Of course I hadn't meant to upset her I just wanted her to be safe.

She is loyal the most loyal person I've ever had in my life the only real person that I can count on other than myself. She will never leave me it's hard for me to ask her to do it. But on the other hand she stays so she can talk to Luke and so that she can preform with me when I get out the piano and sing something. Why are you talking about me like I'm not here? I asked him. I'm more thinking out loud to get my thoughts out to the good Dr. it has nothing to do with you. But as far your this attempt to fill a void thing I happened to fill at least 5 last night. *Ug* Lucifer I whined back at him in disgust. That's not what I mean she tells him. I mean a void in your emotional life. Minus your sister always at your side you sound lonely. Lonely? Have you listened to a word I've said I am never alone. No Lucifer that's the point I shake my head. You can be surrounded by people and still be alone or you can be alone and not feel lonely. I feel that every single night. Despite that I have you all of these people at our place makes me feel lonely the only time I don't feel alone is when it's just us or me and Luke. I quite like doing my theatre singing job even modeling with Luke. I like helping Chloe with murder mysteries. I don't feel alone when I'm with people I care about.

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