I have come back to life

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Today we were currently in a dinner or a market or something. Lucifer turned to the random pretty woman of day and told her there was only one way to pick the perfect strawberry. Where was he going with this? She asked him if he was talking to her. Why wouldn't he be of course he had been she was the only pretty female within having sex range. He felt that on the outside strawberries were beautiful but they were just like "us" that they had tasty little nasty secrets inside. I rolled my eyes if something was about to happen with them I didn't want to be here for it. It's never the ones you expect she told him. He told her there was no way of knowing what was underneath without giving it a little taste. This must've been just one hell of a pickup line because I have this feeling we were not talking about strawberries right from the start of this convo. She tasted it then said "oh G-D" which Lucifer didn't like as he took the strawberry away from her thinking they were having a moment.

Thankfully this was not just some random Lucifer outing it was a crime scene with Chloe. She wanted to know what he was doing and I would like to know the same thing. He asked her what we had here this time she thought it was an odd one our victim was a 60 year old male who collapsed in broad daylight. Wait? Why was that strange that a 60 something year old person fell for no reason at any given time why was it odd that it was during the day? The odd part was no signs of struggle or previous injuries on the fact that he collapsed at all. Lucifer wanted to know what about this was interesting. She pulled back the cover for one this. I thought we were gonna magically see that he was not indeed 60 years old the person we saw he looked actually more in his 40s at the latest. He looked like a pretty young man ok maybe 30s or 40s but not 60s. But no she said the odd part was based on the blood shot eyes and the closed throat he had appeared to be poisoned.

Lucifer said it was horrific Chloe was concerned because dead bodies didn't usually affect him. I was confused by this as well. Lucifer might as well be Hades but for the bad people nothing scares him. But we knew who it was he said it was Chef Javier. She asked if we knew him he said only by his work that he was an artist in the kitchen said he made the most exquisite Mexican cuisine he'd ever had. Mexican food in general. My sister doesn't really care for anything hot and spicy I suppose it's a good thing we're brother and sister and that she's asexual and that in your case that she's not into women. Samael! I scolded him. I've gotten into habit of calling him that when he says something I don't like and that had been so wrong on so many levels. Food related wise as well she likes mostly plain foods smooth salsa and some rice cheese quesadilla see nothing too hot or spicy. But now he finished as she said it was ok as she covered him back up. He said he'd never taste his perfect tamales again. She was upset that this wasn't about the man but his stomach he claimed it was a crime against good taste.

He said someone defiantly had to be punished for this. She said according to the grossers that he had came here every morning after having breakfast at his restaurant she told us that the M.E. told her that he was poisoned 90 mins before the fall which she said put him squarely at the restaurant. Which lead Lucifer to hope that didn't mean his own staff poisoned him. He felt the man was a visionary but Chloe said he also had a bad temper on all accounts and there for everyone at the restaurant was a suspect which meant we had to talk to all of his workers and do a sweep for toxins. And then Lucifer put in his two bits worth hoping to find if and where he wrote down his recipes. When we got there he asked if we smelled that. I have superpower hearing and smell I am always asking what is that smell or what is that sound and when it comes to drinks I have the ability to taste the underage part of the drink instead of the part you're supposed to taste/like. He said it was the last of Javier's brilliance. Right now he was reminding me of any character from every T.V. show ever that only thought with his stomach. Or David Jones on Criminal Case. If you read my other stories you know who that is.

He wondered if the police had recovered any remains from his last meal. Chloe felt it would probably most likely be poisoned. Though he felt it might be worth the risk. I told him no way I was not going to lose him if he could really die now. When we reached the end of the hall where we saw the yellow tape Chloe wondered if this was everyone when we spoke to the cop on the scene of the crime. A woman dressed in black came forward wondering if any of us thought that they killed "Pops." Which we were confused by. We asked her if she was his daughter she said no that's what they all called him. I had to wonder if she were the killer poison was a women's murder weapon and she was the first of the suspects that spoke to us. On the bachelor/ette it's almost never the girl/guy that gets the first impression rose that wins but when we talk to suspects it's typically the first one of them. She said they were like a family here. So wait everyone here saw him as a father figure? Lucifer asked her. He felt this was much more interesting now. Why's that? Chloe asked. He said this was a tale as old as time. Oh yes Adam Beast here is your lovely Bell that will soon fall for you. I gestured between the two of them. He listed other people's names ending on Voldemort had what he said been father figures?

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