How can I help?

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There we (outfit 4) were walking down the street together. When we heard a preacher he was surrounded by a crowd. Telling people to save their souls. It's up to you I'm asking you to repent. Repent your sins before it's too late. The devil walks among us. And angels too. I flip my hair. You have no idea how right you are. Lucifer starts as we approach the so called preacher. But don't be angry enjoy the ride. He tells him. Bless you. Both of you. Have you seen the face of the devil? Of course every day when I look in the mirror. Lucifer tells him. Hm been looking at this handsome mug for eons. There's a reason he's called the handsome devil. And there's a reason why they call us angels because we're so pretty. Model pretty you might say. I know who you are he turns back to me. You're Farrah Morningstar actress/singer/model. Why thank you. I flip my hair again. Before he goes back to telling people the devil is in all of us. He felt that this world was of sin and lust and that it was the devil's touch. But that's where we stop him and take the mic from him. Don't give me credit for that all that you humans do plenty of that all on your own. He says.

Hey what's your problem pal? The "preacher" asks Lucifer. Excuse me? Lucifer starts. Yeah move your act along. I'm not sharing my tips with you if that's what this is about. Oh I get it. I whip my hair behind me. This is all an act Luci Like when we saw Chewbacca and Spiderman down the street. You're right so go over there and bother them he's bad for business. Repent! The devil.... Is not done with you yet! Lucifer tells him. He said what he hated most was a liar people that don't believe in what they're saying. So what are you gonna do about it? He asked Lucifer. Why make you a believer of course. I use my siren voice. While Lucifer shows him his truth face. Then he's made a believer as he runs screaming from us. Telling people that I'm a real angel and that Lucifer is really the devil as if people will actually listen. Lucifer claps as I take a bow. Yes yes we'll be here till the end of the world. It wasn't long after that performance that we then ended up sitting on a couch together with Linda in front of us. So you're the devil and you're an angel she says to the two of us. That's right. We agree with her. And you took a vacation to come to L.A. and left the world of Hell behind? She questions us. And you followed him down because you don't like Heaven without Lucifer or the Silver City as you call it. That's correct we agree. Where else could we go? You don't seem too bothered by me being the prince of darkness or my sister being an angel. Lucifer says back to her.

Well I'm willing to work within your metaphors she tells us. She told Lucifer sometimes it was easier to make intimate issues bigger than yourself. Which Lucifer was aware there were indeed things bigger than himself while I rolled my eyes and Linda agreed since last they spoke minus the last time she speaks of that they were having sex. She said that Lucifer said she was bothered by feelings of humanity. He said he was healed that he didn't feel things like that anymore. If there was a puppy here he'd kick it if one waltzed by. Then said he was kidding. And how does that make you feel Farrah? She turned to me. How do I feel about what? About what your brother said about his feelings of humanity. And how he doesn't feel these things. Or maybe how he uses humor to hide behind insecurities. I think I squirmed uncomfortably.... I leaned forward on my hand as I connected it to my cheek a frown on my face my heart racing. I think if you wanna ask me questions about what I think then we should do sessions individually. Not that Lucifer wouldn't eavesdrop anyways. While all my years with Lucifer and that's been eons literally I don't think he's ever showed an insecurity but maybe I'm just blind to any of them because I'm his sister but there's plenty I'm insecure about.

Like what? She asked me. Lucifer turns to me beginning to pay attention. I glace up at him my head in my hands. I'd like to say that it didn't matter but then I'd be lying and Angels are not supposed to sin like lying and Lucifer and I also don't lie. And to be perfectly honest. I don't want to talk about me with a 3rd person in the room. Because we'll just end up arguing. Lucifer would say that's not true and I shouldn't feel these things and try to convince me otherwise not to feel like this but it will always be there. Lying to yourself is just as much of a lie. Should I not say anything it's all we'll talk about all day while I beg him to let it go. Until or unless he uses his powers on me. At this point I think if he did my selfish desire would be to make him go away while we spoke without him and then for him not to ask me about it later. But then he'd be upset whether in front of me or behind my back even if he would deny he was upset but I know he would never let it go. Like how he's frustrated that his gifts don't work on Chloe Decker. Or how I bleed when I'm hurt around her cousin Luke. Whose Luke? The charming young fellow that caught my sister's eye when she goes back and forth to L.A. and Hell before our vacation. And has a crush on him. Luci?! I do not! Denial is not just a river in Egypt my dear sister.

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