You belong in Hell not on Earth

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Some time later. It's been some time that we'd made a life for ourselves here in L.A. I kept in touch with my little human he works for a modeling agency and also acts and sings. So we're kind of in the same boat there. He picks up shifts at the bar downstairs. Of course I had to clear it with Lucifer he was fine with it. Lucifer has always struck as one of those people who have to be the prettiest person in the room yet I'm his equal. He probably wouldn't had let me have Luke there if he thought he was prettier than him. I know that sounds petty but like I said he likes to be the prettiest person in the room and well he's still an angel so of course he's pretty not to mention charming. IDK if it's his powers or something about his eyes but you look into them and tell him everything. You can get lost in them no matter who you are or how long you've known him. I can't do it. I've known him for eons. Maze could do it our goody two shoes brother he could do it probably any other angel in heaven. So why can't I? Why was I not immune to my brother's powers?!

But right now it was night time. And Lucifer and I (outfit 1) were driving in his car enjoying ourselves when we got pulled over. It didn't help that Lucifer had his music up very loud. I could barely hear myself think. Do you know why I pulled you over? The officer asked Lucifer. To Lucifer it was because he was using his limited power or something like that after all this guy IS just mortal he thought it had something to do with that he liked punishing people. Luci admitted that he used to do that too. Do you have any idea how fast you were going? He asked Luci. But of course he had no idea that sometimes you just wanna drive. You know what I mean? He asked as their eyes locked and I kept my head down out of eye sight. The cop admitted of course to a total stranger because he couldn't resist Lucifer's powers that he just sometimes puts his siren on to driver really fast because he wants to. But he was unsure why he was telling Lucifer this. But Lucifer said that it was ok because a lot of people tell him their darkest and sometimes dirtiest desires and it was so fun to get away with stuff. And of course Luci would know all about that.

IDK it must be something about this face people really just can't help it. But then the officer asks for his license and registration but he starts pulling out $100. The officer asks if he was trying to bribe him. Lucifer admitted he was and then asked if it was enough money the officer said that was against the law but then Lucifer asked him if he ever broke the law sometimes and the officer nodded and now I was intrigued. Tell us more he nudged me as we listened to what the officer had done. He said sometimes he pulls women over for something small and sometimes he gives them a warning and sometimes he doesn't and that sometimes other things happen and that sometimes he makes them flash him a little somethin'. You dirty dog. Lucifer was telling him. He was loving this. You're tempted to keep that aren't you Lucifer asked him about the money. Well what are you waiting for? Permission? Take it buy yourself something nice. But we have to be on our way. Right well you have yourselves a good night sir Ms. the cop tells us. You as well we tell the officer. Before Luci shifts his mirror and his true face is shown. While I have a ring above my head and a glow surrounding me. The license plate reads "fallen1" as everyone knows Lucifer is known as a fallen angel Why are people so afraid of him? Do they think he's scary looking? He's still an angel he's still got his angelic looks. After all he's known as "the handsome devil." Is he not? So shouldn't he be handsome and good looking? People wanting to be tempted by him lusting after him making a deal with the devil as people put it. Creating a life of sin? "The devil made me do it" all he did was let you be yourself make you expose your truths. The dark desires that are locked inside of you the side of you people never see. And in doing so you actually live a better life.

Until he comes asking for a favor. And he loves making people do him a favor. But like I was telling you people don't like when he comes to collect. If I were to describe Lucifer as we pull up to Lux in his fancy car as I paint you a picture. We have a line out the door to get in. That's typical. It's a bar people want to get in people want to always get in to fancy bars. From the outside it doesn't look like much but on the inside it's like a slice of sin. Wine, music, women. Aside from myself these are 3 of Lucifer's favorite things. A piece of hell on Earth if you will. But as I was telling you my brother Lucifer he's like a modern day proud Gatsby. Hey I great my two other favorite people in this world. Aunt Maze. I hug her. As she leans against the bar she doesn't look at Lucifer she talks directly more into the mirror. Wondering where we've been. Anytime Lucifer is off doing his thing be it lusting after women or making deals with people learning their deepest desires I tend to look the other way and do my own thing. That means talking to my little human. As for Maze I'm the only person she lets have soft physical contact with. Hey kid. She silent what's ups me. Lucifer starts talking about Faith and I can't stand here and listen to him talk about her. So I see if I can spot my little human. I've asked him he doesn't care. And it's ironic because he's bigger and taller than me but so are most people.

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