Chapter 17 || The Truth

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Nithila looked around the room trying to find a clock

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Nithila looked around the room trying to find a clock. On not being able to find one, she looked at Adhi who was drawing random figures on the tile with his finger. "What's the time"? He remained oblivion to the question.

"Adhi. What's the time"? "Oh, you were talking to me", he pointed to himself. Nithila knew he did that on purpose and glared. "It's 8.40". "Okay". "Wow, not even a thank you", he scoffed. She rolled her eyes and looked away.

Unexpectedly, the room went pitch black.

Nithila snapped her head up towards the ceiling while her hands clenched her suit. The congested feeling in her chest was beginning to appear. Her mouth automatically opened, taking in huge chunks of air.

"Perfect. As if being stuck in this room wasn't enough, the light has to go off", Adhi scowled. "This is why I said don't sit near the door. Now you won't know if anything pulls your leg. I won't be able to see where it drags you too", he said with an evil smile.

Though Adhi said that with the intention to prank her, Nithila did not take it the same way. Her body was trembling with immense fear. She tried beating her chest to calm her heart down. Tears were pouring all over her face. "A- Adhi", she tried whispering but her voice was too soft to be picked up.

"Oi, are you not hungry? I am. Thanks to you we can't call anyone now", he threw his head back with annoyance. When he received no response, his irritation grew. "Say something! Did your voice go along with the light"!

His eyes snapped open when his mind flashed with the memories of Nithila having difficulties to breath in the dark storeroom. He remembered how she needed him to help her.

"Oh my god! Oh my god"! Adhi held his head with his hands. "Nila, stay right there! I'm coming, okay? Don't be scared, I'm here".

The dark room with minimal light made it hard for him to see where he was going. It was like an endless loop. After trying for some time, he finally heard her soft gasps for air. "Oh thank god"! Sighing in relief, Adhi crawled to her.

"I don't know what I'm touching but I hope it's your hand", he fiddled with her foot. Rubbing it to give her warmth, he kept whispering random words of encouragement to calm her down. "S- scared Adhi, scared", Nithila cried.

"I was just joking earlier. Nothing's going to happen, I'm here. I'll make sure nothing happens". Adhi left her foot once he realised that was not her hand. Gently tracing his palm to her face, he cupped her cheeks before turning her to face him.

"Breath slowly, I won't let anything happen to you. Trust me". Nithila grabbed his hands and tightened her grip. "P- promise"? "Yes, yes! I promise". Eventually, she was able to pick her pace and calm down.

"Thank you,", she said, feeling nothing but grateful. "I promised you. I had to", he mumbled. A minute went by before Adhi asked if she wanted to shift to the other side where a little light was coming in through a tiny window. Nithila agreed and moved with him.

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