Chapter 15 || The Question

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Nithila turned towards Aaruthira in shock. "What are you doing here", was the first thing that came out of her mouth. The teen frowned a little before replying. "We're very very very very very far relatives of the groom. Are you from the bride's side"?

Still not recovered from the mini shock, Nithila remained quiet. "Akka", Narain tapped her shoulder. "Oh yes. Yes, we are", she mumbled, looking at Aaruthira who was staring elsewhere. "Erm hi", Narain mumbled, smiling weirdly at the person who was staring at him.

"Hi, I'm Aaru", she murmured, coyly. "Narain here", he looked at his sister for help. Nithila on the other hand sucked her lips in to control her giggles. It was so clear that someone had a liking for her brother.

"I- I'll go then, bye", Aaruthira waved at them both before rushing away. Narain let out the breath he was holding onto. "Eww, she's so weird and creepy". "I think she likes you", Nithila laughed pinching his cheeks. "No thank you. Mehek is enough for me", he pushed her hands away.

"Right. Mehek". Nithila felt like someone threw a rock on her. She had forgotten about Mehek. Now that she had been reminded of her, there was definitely a disturbance within herself. All she wished was for no problems to occur.

A long distance away, Adhi resisted the urge to palm his face while walking away from his family friend.

"Adhi, please. Please be my wingman". "What do you want Vinay"! He was already troubled with the fact that Nithila was there and Vinay was adding on to his annoyance.

"Help me talk to that girl da! Tell her something about me to make her feel intrigued by me", Vinay explained. "Who is it"? Vinay turned Adhi to the mandap. "Who? The bride", the sarcastic laugh left his mouth. "The one beside the bride"!

Seeing the person Vinay referred, Adhi's eyes enlarged. He rubbed it to make sure he was not seeing things. "She was talking to my mom just now. Amma likes her a lot". "S- she is not a nice person. Very rude. Trust me", he faced Vinay.

"How do you know". "Nithila is from my college, Vinay. Trust me, no one knows her better than I do. She skips classes regularly, always picking a fight, always in the principal office, frequently being suspended. Oh and she smokes".

Vinay stared at his friend who had his palm clutching his chest after speaking without a break. "She sounds like a bad girl. I love it, Adhi. You know what? I'm not missing the chance to talk to her". Before he could be stopped, he fled.

"Fuck, no", Adhi grabbed his hair in a tight grip. He spewed all those lies just for him to increase Vinay's interest in her? Such a fail! "She won't accept him. I know", he mumbled to himself.

"But why do you care"?

He groaned at the familiar voice. "Aaru, not now". "No, now". Adhi glanced at Aaruthira before looking at his enemy who was happily conversing with Vinay. "You have feelings for that Akka. It's better you figure it out soon. That Akka-". "Can you stop calling her Akka! Just call her by her name"!

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