Chapter 31

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Jewel floated in the darkness for so long that she wasn't sure if she would ever be able to escape. She could hear the Toma men along with a few others that seemed familiar. She wanted to escape this prison to get back with those she cared about yet no matter what she couldn't seem to leave. Her will seemed to slowly evaporate till she just closed her eyes although that didn't change the darkness. Finally, it felt like she was rising somewhere. To where? She wasn't sure but it had to have been better than being stuck in the darkness. Anything but the darkness. Slowly, Jewel began to feel her body along with something plush underneath her. She pried her eyes open and blinked a few times to see if the blurriness would fade. Thankfully it started too as the fog in her brain barely dissipated. Everything felt strange and kind of heavy. Her skin felt tight and her mouth was a little dry and numb in a sense. Barely turning her head, she found her muscles were sore as if she had been working out for hours.

A rustling of fabric had her trying to push up off her stomach where she had been lying to see what caused it. Someone was sleeping on each side of her but while one was sleeping on his stomach, the other man had rolled over onto his side with his back facing her so she couldn't see who they were. Strangely they felt a little familiar, they had to be since they were sharing a bed, but they didn't feel familiar at the same time.

She carefully sat up with great difficulty but she couldn't remain in bed with strangers. She held her breath for a minute to see if they would wake and when they didn't she moved toward the end of the bed. It took some time as her limbs wanted to give out from under her but she persisted. They still didn't stir so she climbed over the footboard and looked around. She didn't recognize the room and that made her nervous. She looked down to find she was wearing leggings, fuzzy socks, and a baggy T-shirt. Fuzzy socks meant silence so she was grateful for that.

Still, though, she held her breath as she tiptoed over to the door. Risking the chance, she looked back to find both men still sleeping from the snores she could hear. Slowly turning the knob, she exhaled in relief when it didn't creak as she opened it enough for her to slip through.

She was confused about where she was. If she was kidnapped then they weren't doing a very good job of it. Spotting a door across from her, she kind of wobbled over to it since she was dizzy and lightheaded. Once more the door opened silently and she crept over to the bed where two men were sleeping. Her shoulders dropped in complete relief when she recognized the sleeping Russian with one hand under his pillow and the other over the sleeping man next to him. He didn't look like Corey but it was also so dark it was kind of hard to see. The only reason she recognized Raven was because of the moonlight streaming through the curtains.

Poking him on the cheek to silently wake him without disturbing the other man she watched as he opened his eyes, "Teddy Bear?" her voice croaked, making her wince at the pain from not using it. "Strange men in room, scary."

His eyes widened in shock before he smirked as he sat up and pulled her into his lap. "Not scary men Tiny Treasure," he said softly in a gruff voice as he kissed her temple, "They other mates." He pushed some hair out of her face and kissed her again, "Happy you come back, missed you. They still sleep?" She nodded, making him chuckle, "Tiny ninja not wake them. Proud you, Tiny Treasure."

"Not Marvel," she whispered as she looked over his arm.

"Nyet but is okay," Raven said as he adjusted their position so she was more comfortable. She laid her head on his shoulder while he ran his fingers through her hair and said, "He other mate. He Doc."

"Hmm?" the man mumbled as he slowly woke up. "What, Raven?"

"Tiny Tre—"

"Raven, Doc, Jewel...oh thank fuck," Brandon shouted in concern as he barged into their room before sighing in relief as he spotted her in Raven's lap.

"Bam Bam," she whispered as she barely raised her head off Raven's shoulder with great difficulty.

"Pebbles, you..." He stormed over to her and pulled her from Raven's hold. She wrapped her arms gently around his neck as he held her by her thighs and lower back since she didn't have enough strength to wrap her legs around his waist. "You scared the fucking crap out of me when I didn't see you in your bed."

"My bed?" she mumbled into his neck in confusion. "Strange men in bed. Where am I?"

"Jewel, do you remember who I am?" the blonde guy asked as he walked over to them. "I'm Dr. Sean Green from the Blackbourne team. I'm glad you finally came back to us. Can I ask you a few questions?"

Brandon sat on the bed and turned Jewel around so she could face Sean. Raven had clicked the lamp light on to illuminate the room in a soft glow. It took a moment for her vision to clear up as all the movement had her getting dizzy. Taking a closer look at the blonde man with green eyes, something in her said she knew him but she just couldn't place it. "Um, I...I...," she began to mumble as her eyes became blurry from the tears of frustration forming.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, Pebbles. Don't hurt yourself trying to remember. You just woke up, there is still time for your memory to come back, right Doc?" Brandon soothed as he rocked her back and forth.

"Jewel, what is the last thing you remember?" Sean asked as he kneeled in front of her.

"I..," she began before her eyebrows pinched downward. Her lips tugged down in a frown as she seemed to get lost in her mind. Before she could ponder any further a splitting headache caused her to wince and groan as she dropped her head forward to cradle in her hands. She started to tip forward seeing as she still hadn't regained her balance causing Brandon to quickly wrap his arm around her midsection and Sean to place his hands on her shoulders to keep her steady.

Before anyone could make another move or say anything the bedroom door burst open as someone shouted, "SHE'S GONE!"

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