Chapter 26

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Raven, Marc, and Brandon quietly but swiftly entered her room before stopping suddenly. The sight before them broke their hearts yet fueled their rage. Their soul, their heart, the one meant for them to protect and cherish was nothing but a shell of herself. Jewel was still propped up with an IV in her arm. Her head was tilted to the side where she was staring off at the window though it didn't look to affect her in any way.

"NO, no, no, no, no, no, Jewels, it's us, please, oh, what has made you recede into yourself," Marc rambled as he rushed to her other side of the bed and got in so he could hold her close to his side.

Raven strutted forward and kneeled on her left side being mindful of the IV. He took her small hand in his and noticed she was cold. He looked to Brandon who was still frozen in shock and said, "Brandon, she cold, get blanket." That helped snap him out of his trance and turned around and left the room in search of a blanket. With that taken care of, he turned back to his tiny treasure. "Tiny treasure, it Bear. You Bear here now. No lost in space more, come home. You safe Bear, Mocha, Bam Bam, Wolf, and Marvel here. Others here too, you come back now. Nyet, hurt more." There was no response which had his muscles bunching up further before he pulled her hand up to his lips and pecked her hand hoping his emotions would reach her.

Marc had his arm wrapped around Jewel's shoulders so she leaned against him and was petting her head while holding her hand with his other hand. He hated seeing the state she was in and all he could do was blame himself and her brother. Himself as he should have noticed by the way Jace was acting that something like this would happen. On the contrary, it was Jace's fault for not taking into consideration of her state, the fact they were her mates and could help not only because of the new bond yet with their training in the Academy, they could help find these stalkers of hers and deal with them.

North, Nathan, Silas, and Victor entered the room and were just as shocked as the first three. This is the second time they've met Jewel in a horrible situation. This time though, there isn't an enemy they could unleash their anger at for the state she is in. Completely lost to the void in her mind. Her soulless eyes were transfixed on the window outside yet not truly accepting the beautiful nature outside. It was as if she was seeing past it to a world of no hope. Victor and Nathan moved forward and sat on the end of the bed and rubbed Jewel's legs in hopes of feeling them being near so that she would feel somewhat safer.

North moved to lean against the wall with his arms crossed as he wasn't sure what to do. One thing for sure is if he left this room he wouldn't be able to withhold beating Jace into a pulp. Silas moved to the window and looked out to see what she seemed slightly fixated on. It looked to be the willow tree that was on the edge of the lake. 'Hmm, I wonder' Silas thought as he moved in front of her line of vision and took in her reaction. At first glance, it didn't seem like much but he could have sworn he saw a twitch in her eyebrow and a small movement in her pupils. Moving back to the side so she could see the willow tree again, her features of a millimeter seemed to calm. If he hadn't watched Owen so much he would have clearly missed the millimeter reactions that he noticed all the time with his leader and one of the men that held his heart. This was one of the times he was thankful for his expert observational skills.

"Take her outside, Raven," Silas said calmly. "She's fixated on the window even if she's trapped inside. She wants to be with nature. It might help and knowing Axel and Doc, they will both agree that being one with Mother Nature is more beneficial than being stuck in this room 24/7."

Snapping his head up, North surveyed Jewel as Raven quickly stood up ready to move her before being stopped by North. "Wait, she's currently receiving the nutrients she needs from the IV. Sean mentioned needing multiple bags possibly, and with her condition, wouldn't she be susceptible to catching a cold if she were outside? We should talk to Sean before we make any decisions since he'd know best," North explained.

Grunting Raven backed off and stormed out of the room as Brandon entered with a huge heavy quilt. "What happened? What did I miss?" Brandon questioned as he took Raven's position and laid the blanket over Jewel.

"He's going to see if we can move Jewel outside as it seems to help her a little as she hasn't taken her focus off the window. Silas noticed it brought a little joy to her. I just hope this will help her come back to us," Victor softly said as he worked a knot out of the sole of her foot.

Raven reached the living in no time and came to a halt. Everyone was scattered around the room while Axel stood in front of Jace. By the looks of it, Axel was getting ready to give one of his favorite punishments. Seeing this, Raven posted himself against the doorframe to enjoy the scene. It wouldn't hurt to allow Jewel more time with getting through the first IV bag while they deal with her scum brother. This was going to be fun to watch. 

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