Chapter 7

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"How was she drugged?" Jace asked as he looked at the door where Erica and his sister were. Erica had promised to stay with her so he could get the information he needed. "She never leaves her drink alone. Ever."

"The guy admitted that he bought her a bottle of water when he noticed hers was almost empty," North grumbled as Sean started wrapping North's knuckles. "He removed the lid along with the seal and poured a roofie into the water before putting the lid back on."

"Since the seal was still attached she thought it was safe to drink," Corey said as he pulled up the security footage they were able to retrieve. It showed him purchasing the drink and taking a detour to Jewel to administer the drug into the water bottle and shake it up. They saw how she inspected the bottle then took a sip and placed it on the table.

"Where is the fucker now?" Jace growled as he fisted his hands trying his best to keep his composure.

"Wait," Axel shook his head. "You need to know everything first."

"The fucker drugged and assaulted my sister! What fucking else do I need to be aware of?" Jace roared as he threw his chair back and began pacing the room. Everyone in the room shifted uncomfortably as it was going to be the hardest for him to hear.

"Jace," Raven said low to get his attention. Seeing as his brother was lost in his head, Raven blocked his path and held both his shoulders to have him look in his eyes. "Jace, listen."

Looking into Raven's eyes for a moment to try and understand why the hell everyone was so tense, it was like they were walking on eggshells around him. "What happened, Raven?" he asked with fear in his voice. "What did he do to my sister?" His eyes widened as a thought popped into his mind. "Oh God no, Raven. He didn't, did he?" He gripped the Russian's wrists, "Raven, did that asshole–"

"He no rape....but he did touch," Raven solemnly said as he watched his brother break in front of his eyes. Jace felt his soul shatter hearing what his sister endured. In a split second, it felt like he lost all energy as he let his body go limp. Luckily Raven was prepared along with Silas as they had already stood his chair back up behind him and Raven guided him to it.

"NO!" Jace cried out in denial. It was a heartbreaking sight for the fourteen men to see one of their own going through such a tragedy. Jace cried for a few minutes till he stopped abruptly. Taking three big lungfuls of breaths, he stood up and faced Raven again. "Tell me where he is, Raven. I know you wouldn't have finished him off unless you had no choice. Where is he?"

"Nyet," Raven shook his head.

"What?" Jace screamed. "Why the hell not?"

"Little treasure need you," Raven said honestly. "Need big brother now." He sighed, "Look, I get him, Jace. I hurt him bad. He suffer lot, promise."

"I want him in the cave, Raven. I want to take my revenge for my sister. I won't do it now as you said she needs me. But I want the opportunity, you have to give me that," Jace said as he heaved out deep breaths trying to calm down.

"Need recover," Raven shrugged. "I broke jaw. Broke fingers too. Oh shot leg too, got in kneecap so nyet move while."

"The point being is that everyone needs time," Owen said as he cleaned his glasses. "The prisoner needs time to heal enough to have the ability to speak and you need time to be with your sister as she recovers."

"Yeah, okay I get it. As long as he stays alive to endure torture for some time I am willing and will obey," Jace said as he swiped his hand down his face. "Sean, how are we looking on recovery? What exactly are all her injuries?"

Sean didn't even get the chance to explain as they all heard Jewel's room door slam open and a female wailing so ugly it had the men wincing. Gabe was the first to make it into Jewel's room and was dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. Erica was standing guard in front of Jewel as he thought he saw a banshee trying to get to her.

"My Jewels! Oh, my Jewels! How could this have happened to you?!" the mystery woman wailed as she kept trying to get to Jewel while Erica blocked her every attempt.

"Um, who the fuck are you?" Gabe asked as the rest of the men scattered around the room or around Jewel's bed to keep this woman away.

"Bianca! What the hell are you doing here?!" Jace yelled over the woman's cries. He had never liked this woman even though Jewel had sworn she was nice, just eccentric.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? Of course to see what happened to my best friend!" she screamed at Jace as she tried to shove past Erica, "Get the hell out of my way!" Big mistake on her part as none of the men in the room appreciated it.

"No, you listen here little girl, that is my best friend's mother who is currently helping treat as you put it your best friend. Everyone including Jewel looks up to this woman as a mother figure except her son himself. She is a saint compared to you and you have no right coming in here causing a storm and bulldozing your way through. Jewel is in critical condition and doesn't need your racket," Jace fumed as he stood in her way towering over her at his six-foot height compared to her five-foot-six height.

"I'm sorry but when your best friend suddenly disappears on you at a concert wouldn't you freak out?" Bianca asked as she crossed her arms across her chest and popped her left hip out.

"What did you just say?" Axel asked as he took a stance next to Jace.

Bianca's eyes widened at the gorgeous man standing in front of her. She knew Jewel could attract some fine men and that's why she wanted her to go clubbing so there was a possibility that she could snag one. 'Never did I think the girl was hiding a harem of godly men at her beck and call' she thought as she took in all of the men in the room. She didn't even observe that all the men were sending her glares from her disrespectful attitude, laying her hand on Axel's chest on top of the confession she had just made. "Hello, I don't believe we have met, the name's Bianca but you could call me whatever you want Sugar," she said as sultry as she could while holding her hand out.  

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